Elder Canyon Atwood

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

K so whats up guys here is the thing. I recently have been thinking about just going home::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
So I can put in my mission papers again and serve again where I would repeat the process again and again and again because in all honesty I love you guys but I LOVE IT HERE!!!!!!!!!
 Lets just put it this way, if there is a possibility that I can serve another mission after this one I would without a doubt. Why? Well I will tell you why. For those of you who don't know I suffered from a little depression in high school and stuff. Ya I know I was the looser in the class who was always tired and always had some negative crap to say. Well one day I remember Brandon introducing me to Elder Christensen and his comp.  They convinced me to go on splits with them one time. That day I don't remember doing much other than sharing my testimony at some point during the lesson. When I was driving back after having been out with the missionaries I actually felt happy. So I decided to go out again and again and again and again. That created a love for being with the missionaries. I also grew to love the mission prep classes that we had every Sunday. Soon I started being more social actually smiling which probably looked weird to some people to actually see me smiling haha.   I started to think of serving a mission and here is the reason, the only time that I remember feeling actually good or happy was when I was with the missionaries.  I obviously got cleaned up and put in mission papers and here I am in the Lima North Mission and right now in Villa Hermosa.  Well let me tell you one word to describe how i feel right now. FREAEAEAKKKKKKKKKKINGHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY.
If you didn't get that I meant to say freaking happy so I guess it is two words i just combined it in to one for awesomeness sake. In all seriousness I have never had so many trials, and temptations.  I get tempted like all other missionaries .   I have felt sad,depressed,and I am constantly tired and exhausted and just want to sleep, but I have never been so happy. 
Right now I am going to do what I don't think anyone has done before I am going to tell you the secret of happiness.....MISSIONARY WORK .   It's that simple. Tell me after you have been out with the missionaries, or after you have done service for someone do you feel bad? NO NO NO. You don't it is impossible!!! I love being a missionary and people want me to go home and get married have kids and move on with life. But I don' want to. I just want to be a missionary forever. I don't miss the movies, the music, the girls,the pool, the warm showers. Well I do miss warm showers a little bit. The point is that out of all the things to do with my life I can think of nothing more fulfilling than being a missionary. Ok now for you Priests and my friends that are preparing to serve a mission or even for you who don't want to serve a mission for whatever reason whether it is school, a girl, job, whatever, here is my promise to you. If you go on a mission and you keep the commandments of the Lord the Lord is obligated, yes I said obligated to bless you. I actually learned that from a general authority that just visited our area. You give up school to go on a mission, you will return and get a better education guaranteed. You give up a girl, you return marry one even hotter. If you go on a mission with a girl which is not recommended but its all good, if you do then she will look twice as hot when you get back. Ok that is how it works. So go on a mission . I can testify from my own personal experience that you will have more happiness than you have ever felt before in your life. 
Well this next section I want to give a little talk of my mom as she is turning 39 but still looks 29.
Well what can I say I love my mom, A lot of people when they think of leaving for a mission they think of leaving the phones,the music, girls, or whatever,  I just thought of how much I would miss my mom.  I really do miss her. My mom was always a good example to me. She has been through many hard experiences through her life even as a young child. She is an amazing role model for me. She really taught me how to love people and how to prioritize my things. I don't have much time but I really love my mom,. This week I was reading in Alma about the stripling warriors how they were taught by there mothers and Helaman later goes on to say that among these young men he has not seen that much courage among all the people of the Nephites. Well I too was taught by my mother. I didn't always listen but I was always taught. I will share more next week becasue the zls are screaming at us to go.  I love you all and I love you mom happy birthday!!!
Elder Atwood

Monday, March 16, 2015

Hey everybody whats up. ¿hola como estan? bueno si uds no saben you tuve un cambio yaaaa
pero me gustaba me area en canto rey. mio conversos fueron muy triste pero esta bien. Mi nuevo  companero is Elder Rios el tiene 24 meses en su mission. El es muy chevere y yo creo el es de quitos Peru. No se como a prununciar. Bueno este computador es crap entoces mi gramatica sera crap ,me gusta mi neuvo area pero es muy diferente que me pasado area , porque me pasado area es plano todo plano y este area es en los montanias caminamos freaking 10 miles cada dia pero esta bien me gusta este area mucho los miembros son muy cheveres y la zona es bacan tambien.
Hey guys hope you liked that little bit of spansih.  Sorry  for the grammar but I am typing fast and  this computer sucks so you get the point. Well I  had a transfer!!! I was really exited but it was really hard leaving my area because I developed a really good connection with the members and the people there.
The last night I was there family Abanto had us over for family home evening where they all shared there testimonies and stuff about me. It made me cry like crazy especially when they made me share my testimony.  I was crying like crazy because they are like my peruvian family.   Well my new area is  way different that my last area in Canto Rey because Canto Rey was a reall y flat and it was a little better off still poverty but a little better.   This area is crazy, I am literally at the end of the mission. It is kinda in the mountain area. After the President  announced all the changes  he went to talk to some people.  He approached me and said with a smile on his face as if trying not to laugh your going to the  top of the world now Elder Atwood.  I didn't know what that meant until I came here, it is really different. It is kinda in the mountain area at the end of the Lima North mission boundaries. We hike not walk and hike about 10 miles a day minimum and the poverty is horrible here. There are 2 paved  roads and there are just piles of rocks everywhere. I will send you pictures next week so you can know what i am talking about. Well my new companion is Elder Rios  just extended is mission so he will die this change but he is from Quito, Peru. I don't know if I spelled that right but he is from the jungle area so this is way different.  He is about 8 inches shorter than me  and he is 21 years old and doesn't speak english and I freaking love him!!! I am almost mad at the president for not putting me with him earlier but its all good. I am helping him prepare for his English exam at the end of the mission.  All Latino missionaries have one. I am kinda mad at his old comps for not teaching him.  Here is the thing if a Latino in Ecuador speaks English his income triples and its about the  same here in Peru.  You may not care right now but when you see people living the way they do here teaching them English will do them more good than giving them money. So teach them. I got a cool experience for you guys that just happened to me this morning???  We woke  up at 6 to go play soccer cuz they do that every Monday here.  I washed my face to kinda wake myself up you know, then I went to dry my face on the towel.   It felt weird and I  felt some stuff on my face so I looked at the towel  more closely, well there were a billion ants on the towel and a colony on  my face so I just started freaking out and got my bug spray and torched the place.  Oh well that sure as heck woke me up made me mad but woke me up anyway.  One thing about this area is people speak really fast and tend to slur there words a lot even sometimes spitting which is gross while as my last area people spoke very slow and clear so I was able to understand them and communicate with them.  The best thing I could pull from the top of my head to describe is like those complete farm hicks on television, so understanding is a bit 
harder even for my comp.  It should be a good learning experience though.   I love it 
here I want to restart my mission just so i have more time cuz i don't ever want to go home.  Anyway I love you all and wish you the best .
Elder Atwood

Monday, March 9, 2015

Hey everyone how are yall doing? Hola ¿Como estan? Este semana estaba bienn. Me espanol es mucho mejor. Yo entiendo  todo a hora. Hey guys I thought that I would just share a little Spanish, Sorry the grammer is horrible I know but I am writing like super fast on the computer and I really don't have time to make corrections. Well this week one of our investigators Joseph attended church but only for one hour as he had to go help his mom at work the rest of the day.I am so glad that he came that day because our ward mission leader gave a talk on family history. The  ward mission leader is like my freaking best friend out here in the mission and I will miss him a lot when I leave. He is actually going to get his endownments in 2 months and I might be able to go with him. He actually has a girlfriend and they are waiting to get married but Miguel,the mission leader, said that he will only marry in the temple . She is a member so she is waiting for his year time to finish but it is truly  a good example as to there is no replacement for the marrage in the temple. Well anyway he talked about how through family history he was able to have ordincances done for his mother so he can live with her forever. It was truly touching and I was crying like crazy as was the rest of the congregation. Well Mom i got your package. I was super exited for the Rogain the skittles and the socks.  When I got the pictures my heart melted. I will explain . Well the first pictures were touching and made me laugh a bit but when I got to the picture of mom and her family I started thinking. I only asked for a picture of Grandma Loir but mom sent a picture of the whole family. It was really touching. Then I got a feeling or a thought or something it said.
Together Forever.!
My eyes were watering like crazy. Mom i want you to know right now inspite of whatever you may think your family is forever.
THAT is GODS plan. THAT is the plan of happiness. That day an investigator of a part member family asked how our church is different. I sat and thought for a moment and I thought of the picture. Then I said, "through this church, THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST  families are ETERNAl. Not until death do you part but they are forever". There was a silence in the room. The man was sitting in the chair looking down at the floor in complete silence. I know that he knew that it was true. For me that was the most spiritual experience i had this week. Well anyway dad I want to give you something to tell the priest the next Sunday. 

Ok so as the time draws closer to serve a mission you will think that you are not prepared maybe even start to doubt your testimony. You may think of not going or delaying until a year or two more. Well ask this question in another year or two will you be more prepared? Well I will tell you guys something to come out to the mission and to be as changed as me already I say GO ON A MISSION it will change your life I promise you that right now as a Representative of Jesus Christ. Jeffry R Holland said that no one could have changed and appreciated his mission more than him. I think that I might be giving him a pretty good run for his money anyway out of time I love you all