Hey guys well how was your week? This week was good but it was also kinda stressful. Last night when I was trying to skype my family skype wasn't working eventually I called someone else to see if they had a computer so we went over there and had absolutely no problems except when the power went out for about 5 minutes but other than that everything was good. Mothers day is surprisingly big here in Peru. It's called mothers day but it's not celebrated like mothers day at least not for the majority. Its celebrated more like drink alot of beer, blast music and vandilism day but whatever,I guess everyone has there own idea. This week was good, we taught about a good 35 lessons and well they were all pretty good. We don't have alot of new investigators but we do have a lot of recent converts that I am working with. The 2 that I baptized are active, comming to church, on time if not early participating, and learning. Max is reading the Book of Mormon as well as the teaching of one of the prophets right now. Well the sad news is that the converts of the missionaries before me well they are not attending church but they are super cool guys they just are not doing the things that they should be doing. It's kinda frustrating since they combined our area we have about 30 recent converts that we are working with and trying to keep active or to reactivate. By the way for you future missionaries when you baptize someone don't just leave them and move on to get another baptism . We invite all people to come unto Christ by faith, repentance, baptism, and receiving the gift of the holy ghost and ENDURING TO THE END! Sorry I know it better in spanish but I think the point is the same. So ya the president wants us to stick to our converts like freaking glue and right know. I learned from Elder Rios only baptize if they are keeping there commitments. Why? Because that is how you can tell if they will remain active in the church or not! Numbers are not important.We are really working hard with are converts and trying to only focus on our progressing investigators. Well anyway I've been out here in Peru for about 6 months more or less and I still can't speak this language. By the way mom when you send me the dictionary can you also send me a spanish for idiots book please our grammer book is crap i really hate it . All it does is say how to do something like conjugate a verb but it doesn't tell you in what situation to use it . That is really bugging me because well I'm not the smartest kid on the block so I need people to dumb things down for me a little so please send me a spanish for idiots book I really need it, also tons of prayers wouldn't hurt. Anyway I don't know what else to say so love you all bye.
Elder Atwood