Elder Canyon Atwood

Monday, June 29, 2015

Hola Texas whats up? Well this week was really cool. I got a new companion his name is Elder Barrenechea he's from Bolivia  is 19 about 20 years old and he is great so far. Elder Condori got a transfer and became a zone leader in a trio which is really rare but really cool. Hes actualy right by my area so he can come to the baptism of Erick and Jovanna they are really exited for there wedding there 26th this month and so am i they will be baptised the next day actually the 27th so we are really exited. Well they wanted him to baptise them so its all good i am really happy for them. They are actually beginning to give us references and invite there friends to church so we are probly going to be working with alot of new people this month. My new comp and i have been putting an extreme focus on families trying to contact every family i see. Hes really good at it and is truly quick to gain peoples trust and confidence which is truly aa blessing since i was scared that my families wouldnt like my new companion. I heard rumores that he is lazy has a past but well regardless to those rumores he is working hard with me so far so ya. Well we got to marry a family or actually a couple in our branch the woman is a member and her boyfriend who we still havnt met the womans name is jahira she is the daughter of mami chela the woman that i skyped you guys. she is amazing she is actually separated with her first husband i think and her boyfriend is like a father to the kids and all from what iv heard so we hope to marry them this month as well and baptise her boyfriend . she is already baptised so yaa. Well we as missionaries in peru since there is alot and i mean alot of law of chastitiy violation are experts at mariage. well anyway we are trying to help a recent convert in our branch named jorge get the priestood. He has a little problem with drinking. People here drink like crazy by the way. He doesnt drink during the week cuz hes so bussy it just on saturday where his friends go to his house to drink i still dont know why they want to drink in his house its horrible. I am considering calling the cops on his friends since one of them was walking around with like a pound of coke in his back pocket the other day. Oh well i might just go all bruce lee on them if i get the chance. Well anyway for the funny part of the letter. Well friday or saturday me and my comp just finish teaching a lesson and a bunch of kids about 4 or 7 kids ran up to us and asked me [Where are you from?] i said united states, And they smiled and just ran away sreaming yelling GUYS GUYS LOOK LOOK ITS THE GRINGO FROM ONE DIRECTION!!!

I was like what my comp just bursts out laughing and i shout NO NO IM NOT NOT FROM ENGLAND !!!
well long story short i had alot of people look at me laughing so if you hear anything about one direction visisting peru this week there is a possibility its was me. so ya that was weird. Ok well another cool experience. Well tuesday morning while me and Elder Condori were about to leave for changes i am still in the same area btw. Well a buch of Jehova witnesses knocked on our door i was so happy. Well they tried teaching us. Then i started teaching them . They said Jehova is the father of Jesus Christ. And went off trying to argue. I just calmy said. Cuz they were yelling at me. OK Ok so Jesus is his son. and they said yes yes exactly and i started lessson 1. i said well Jesus called 12 apostles right. and they agread. then i said then Jesus acted as a prophet and organized a church they again agreed . then i asked them does your church have a prophet and 12 apostles they loooked at each other and told me No . Then i responded THEN YOU ARE NOT THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST!! Please take in mind that they were screaming at me then one of them said reading the scripture in mathew 7 but mathew says that there will be many false prophets. i asked him to read the next verse which says by there fruits you will know them!!! dun dun dunnnnn . Then i magically pulled out a Book of Mormon and since they were screaming at me about Joseph Smith the whole time. I then said THIS IS THE FRUIT OF JOSEPH SMITH.  I invited them to read it and then pray about it , and i promised them saying I PROMISE YOU IN THE NAME OF CHRIST THAT IF YOU READ THIS BOOK AND PRAY ABOUT IT YOU WILL KNOW THAT THIS IS THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST. 
Well what was cool is one of them was about to take it but the other one like slaped his hand and started yelling at me then they left. I felt real sincerity in the one that was about to take the Book . Well i wanted to share that with you guys please dont think i was bible bashing or anything but the point is this. It did alot for my testimony. latter while we were in the taxi driving to the changes i just felt so sure about this church about the Book of Mormon about everything. The Point is this if you want to have a stronger testimony share it with someone. It was trulyo memorable moment for me. and by the way people when i said prove them wrong using the bible i was trying to say prove me right by using the bible. I really like to do that. anyway please dont think i was yelling or bible bashing cuz i am really not that type of person . I just strongly shared my testimony and encourage all of you to do the same. 
Love you all 
Elder Atwood

Monday, June 22, 2015

Hey guys how's it going? Well first off this week was really good especially yesterday becasue we got to watch the dedication of the Trujillo Peru Temple on video at the stake center. It was truly a spiritual experience and I will never forget it. I am so grateful for that wonderful opportunity.   Elder David Bednar and Elder Uchtdorf came to the temple to dedicate it.  Well this week kinda sucked in the fact that satan is working hard with us. What happened is we had the wedding for my family Jovanna and Erick planned this week Friday actually. Well I think Wednesday we got a call saying that one of there papers didnt go through and the municipal thinks it is fake and so we asked what is the solution and they told us there is none and that we will have to get them married this next month. So we were insanely sad we have been visiting this family about everyday preparing them for baptism and stuff. Well my comp used some of his contacts and there might be a solution but still there is a 99 percent chance that they won't be getting married this month. Also immediately after the video of the dedication of the Trujillo Temple we recieved a call from a member in our ward about one of our investigators whose name is Rosa . Rosa is married to Jorge and Jorge and the kids are members . The kids are great but Jorge is a drunk.  He is the convert of my old companion Elder Condori. Before I was with Elder Condori he was teaching Jorge and Rosa and baptized Jorge and the kids. Well Jorge never quit drinking which brings up the question of how the heck he was baptized!! I swear some missionaries just want another number. Well anyway the member said that Jorge had been drinking and went crazy (that's what happenes when you drink btw) Well and he started breaking stuff and trying to hit his wife and his wife didn't want to get baptized anymore so we went over there for like an hour and well we were relieved to find her without bruses or anything. Apparrently she used a broom to defent herself. Anyway well we talked to her and she said she still wants to get baptized but she was just mad about her husband. Anyway so we took her to an activity where we watched Meet the Mormons and then took her home. We talked to the president of the rama and told him what happend. Apparently Jorge may have lied and told the president that he hasn't drank in a while and may have optained a temple recomend SO I am going to talk insanely hard with Jorge this week, ohhh he's going to regret lying to my face. Anyway we also have this recent converts brother and Sister Cañote, well Sister Cañote has tried to kill her husband about 3 times since I've been here.   She tried to stab him with a knife which he blocked with his arm then had to go to get stitches in the hopital. Anyway with me and elder Rios we fixed everything and they were doing good for about 6 weeks Elder Rios died ( finished his mission) and I started teaching them with Elder Condori.  They were doing great and where taking classes to get sealed in the temple then 3 days later she with her mother who hates Brother Cañote because he is mormon and she is catholic, Sister Cañote is mormon too so I dont really understand her logic. Anyway, Sister Cañote, her mother, and her son who is about 17 jumped Brother Cañote beat him with rocks on his head staped his feet and legs with sticks and just almost killed him. That happend about 6 weeks ago. Well they separated for a while and we were helping Brother Cañote and all well one day his wife comes and ( has relations with him). He told us that and that he felt bad.What was going on in my head was ( well they had relations but thats ok because there married but she just tried to kill him then she comes over so I don't understand) Well anyway they got back together and my comp wants to teach them I refuse to teach them. We as missionaries are not allowed to teach divorce but I think thats what needs to happen.  The branch president has told us this has been this way for about a year. she has probly almost killed him about 10 times then. Well anyway thats a lot of drama and I refuse to teach them just because I know how its going to end. 
Also if any of you have ever wondered the Lord does have a sense of humor!!!  Ok so this is my story. I was teaching on a work visit and in the middle of talking with this lady she  just starts feeding her baby for like freaking 10 minutes !! Well after she fed the 12 year old she just left it hanging out for like 3 minutes. After the lesson I told Elder Nielson hey man I know God has a sense of Humor! He laughs and says why you say that. I said you won't believe this but I swear Ive seen so many breasts I think He's turning me Gay! he laughed, I said man I'm serious. 
I NO LONGER LIKE GIRLS!!  But I dont really like guys so I don't know what's going to happen with me. I'm going to have to clone my self and raise a minime as my child ( you will understand if youv seen AUSTEN POWERS)
Ridge I know iIwas always a little bit of a jerk to you man but I really want you to know that I love you. You got 12 times more brains than I do and will definantly be the billionaire of the family ,man your so smart that I wont be suprised if for your mission you go to Korea, China, and Japan, ya 3 countries and 3 of the hardest languages. Ridge you are also athletic mom would tell me that you got the long legs and strides of a cross country runner and dad always tells me you new pullup record. Your probly at like 30 by now, your getting ripped and I'm getting fat haha!!I really miss kicking your butt in COD every day!  Man Ridge you are amazing I am truly proud to have you as a brother.
Also as yesturday was fathers day I want ot talk about my father.
Dad I dont know if I have ever told you this but I have always looked up to you. You are an amazing basketabll player, got a sense of humor,  ripped to shreds, speak French, and always as busy as you were you always made time for me I really appreciate that dad. One day I hope to be half the husband and father that you are. I am so proud to have you as my dad and consider it a privilige to have your name on my plaque right next to the name of the saviour. Dad you are the most Christlike person that I have ever known, I have always tried to be like you and have always fallen a little short but dad I want to thank you for setting the example for me to serve a mission to serve the Lord and I thank you for helping me through my challeges and my struggles, thanks dad . I am honored to be called your son!!
Elder Atwood

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Hola Texas whats up? Well this week was really cool. I got a new companion his name is Elder Barrenechea  and he is from Bolivia.  He is 19 about 20 years old and he is great so far. Elder Condori got a transfered and became a zone leader in a trio which is really rare but really cool. He's actually right by my area so he can come to the baptism of Erick and Jovanna.   They are really excited for their wedding on 26th this month and so am I.   They will be baptized the next day on the 27th so we are really excited.   They wanted him to baptize them so it's all good and I am really happy for them. They are actually beginning to give us references and invite there friends to church so we are probably going to be working with a lot of new people this month. My new comp and I have been putting an extreme focus on families and trying to contact every family we see. He's really good at it and is quick to gain peoples trust and confidence which is truly a blessing since I was scared that my families wouldn't like my new companion. I heard rumors that he is lazy and has a past but well regardless to those rumors he is working hard with me so far.  Well we get to marry a family or actually a couple in our branch.   The woman is a member and her boyfriend who we still haven't met.  The womans name is Jahira, she is the daughter of Mami Chela, the woman that I skyped you guys.  She is amazing and she is actually is separated with her first husband and her boyfriend is like a father to the kids and we hope to marry them this month as well and baptize her boyfriend .   She is already baptized .   We are trying to help a recent convert in our branch named Jorge get the priesthood. He has a little problem with drinking. People here drink like crazy by the way. He doesn't drink during the week cuz hes so busy, it just on Saturday when his friends go to his house to drink.  I still don't know why they want to drink in his house its horrible. I am considering calling the cops on his friends since one of them was walking around with like a pound of coke in his back pocket the other day. Oh well I might just go all Bruce Lee on them if I get the chance. Well anyway for the funny part of the letter Friday or Saturday me and my comp just finished teaching a lesson and a bunch of kids about 4 or 7 kids ran up to us and asked me [Where are you from?] I said,"United States"!  They smiled and just ran away screaming yelling GUYS, GUYS, LOOK LOOK ITS THE GRINGO FROM ONE DIRECTION!!!  My comp just bursts out laughing and I shout NO NO I'M NOT NOT FROM ENGLAND !!!  MY HAIR IS NOT THAT POOFYY!!  Long story short I had a lot of people look at me laughing so if you hear anything about one direction visiting Peru this week there is a possibility it was me.  Ok well another cool experience. Well Tuesday morning while me and Elder Condori were about to leave for changes I am still in the same area btw. A bunch of Jehova Witnesses knocked on our door, I was so happy. Well they tried teaching us. Then I started teaching them . They said Jehova is the father of Jesus Christ and then they went off trying to argue. I just calmy said, because they were yelling at me,  so Jesus is his son and they said yes yes exactly and I started lessson 1. I said well Jesus called 12 apostles right and they agreed. Then I said then Jesus acted as a prophet and organized a church they again agreed . Then I asked them does your church have a prophet and 12 apostles? They looked at each other and told me,  no . Then I responded, THEN YOU ARE NOT THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST!! Please take in mind that they were screaming at me then one of them said reading the scripture in mathew 7 but mathew says that there will be many false prophets. I asked him to read the next verse which says by there fruits you will know them!!! dun dun dunnnnn . Then I magically pulled out a Book of Mormon and since they were screaming at me about Joseph Smith the whole time. I then said THIS IS THE FRUIT OF JOSEPH SMITH.  I invited them to read it and then pray about it , and I promised them saying I PROMISE YOU IN THE NAME OF CHRIST THAT IF YOU READ THIS BOOK AND PRAY ABOUT IT YOU WILL KNOW THAT THIS IS THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST. 
It was cool and one of them was about to take it but the other one slapped his hand and started yelling at me then they left. I felt real sincerity in the one that was about to take the Book . Well I wanted to share that with you guys please don't think I was bible bashing or anything but the point is this. It did a lot for my testimony.Later while we were in the taxi driving to the changes I just felt so sure about this church about the Book of Mormon about everything. The point is this if you want to have a stronger testimony share it with someone. It was truly a memorable moment for me. By the way people when I said prove them wrong using the bible I was trying to say prove me right by using the bible. I really like to do that. Please don't think I was yelling or bible bashing cuz I am really not that type of person . I just strongly shared my testimony and encourage all of you to do the same. 
Love you all 
Elder Atwood

Monday, June 1, 2015

Hola Texas! Well this week has been great. I'm actually kinda nervous today because we have cambios changes tomorrow and we get notified today. I really don't like that because we only have like 1 day to prepare which kinda sucks cuz there is somuch to do saying goodbye to investigators, converts, and  friends that live in the area and not to mention the extreme packing. Oh well . So for news we have been teaching this couple Erick and Johvana and there family  total of 5 people .  They agreed to baptism but they just have to get married and they already have there papers in so we are psyched about that. They are amazing and I love the daughter , her name is Danielle.  She is 7 year old and she has read the Book of Mormon everyday, aw man I wish she was 8.  By the time she is 8 years old her dad will be able to baptize her so that's even better. They are an amazing family, I really love them . Young men remember this you will have times you want to go home GUARANTEED . You may hate the food, the weather, your bed, but if you find a family that you love, well it makes everything better. Well ya life is good. Spanish sucks but it's improving. I am definantely learning a lot from the scriptures. I find I teach a lot from the bible since the people here think they know their bible good so I have had to prove them wrong. It kinda gets on my nerves that people just don't know that our church is true if you really read the bible its all there. Anyway I have had a great week just hard with the cash here.  I'm taking  a bus about 7 to 10 times a day, that's how big my area is.  
 P.S.  Tell Oakley to google motortaxi Peru that should be  the type of thing I take but that's not what I'm referring to as buses.  I just thought it would interest him a bit. Anyway, I really love it here,  it's amazing and I have learned to rely on the Lord more than ever.  I love you all, I got to bounce.
Elder Atwood