Elder Canyon Atwood

Thursday, October 15, 2015

 Hola Texas whats up?  Well I'm here in Peru rocking it up. Well this week was cool and sad. Cool because well I got a new comp but sad cuz I dont have a kid .- Man i really want a kid i don't wanna finish my mission steril .I was talking with a zone leader and he's like just because you said that look your district leader you'll be zone leader you'll be assistant but you will never have a kid. I was like NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I want  a kid soooooooo bad anyway my comp is Elder Mamani he's a cool little dude with 5 months in the mission poor guy has only had 1 baptism his whole mission so far. Well I gave him good news and told him he would baptize a lot with me. Anyway well I am really sad right now I just gave up like 5 hours of my Pday to go get an investigator married, her name is Sandra but the freaking municipalidad is freaking gay.  I was so mad,  they said some dates were missing and needed a signature I was upset.   I am still furious like I was screaming at this little Peruvian but anyway ya fue the good news is the next marriage is in parque de las aguas which I don't know if you guys remember that is where I took a bunch of pictures with like water and get this at night the water changes colors so ya it will be sick but I am sad as cuz I was going to have 7 baptisms this month but ya anyway I will still get like 5 so ya.  I love my new comp Elder Mamani cuz he's like supporting me and is so humble like the dude has only baptized 1 person in his mission so he is like trying to soak everything in that I teach him.,but its only the first week but so far so good . Anyway a funny story that I didn't include the last week was well Elder Romero when he has the work visit with me ya he had the double dragon crapping and throwing up at the same time. I should be more clear as to the geography of my bathroom . Well my shower is right in front of my toilet so when he had diarrhea and threw up he threw up in my shower and  on the floor and well middle of the night I'm a guy and I had to pee so I got up like not even opening my eyes and went to the bathroom to use it and well I just walk in without shoes and I felt something weird wet and chunky under my feet so I open my eyes and turn on the lights and I was standing in this guys puke.  I was mad like what the heck. I went to wake him up and he was sleeping but ya funny story but sooo gross man like ewwwwww.   Well I see River is fat and Ireland is beautiful as usual Ridge and Oakley looking dope still.  Oh I almost forgot I still have one funny story.  Well last week this girl Valerie wrote me, I haven't seen her in like 15 years.   I guess dad was bugging her ( thanks  by the way) Haha well anyway I didn't really recognize her so mom sent me a picture and I was like oh ya cool.  Well my comp was looking on my screen and was like dude she's hot and called about 13 other latinos over to look and I was like dude like chill  and I tried to leave the screen to write family and do the other paperwork and they were all yelling at me and one stole the mouse just to go back and see her picture so ya let her know that if she comes to Peru she will be a big hit haha!  That was funny got a good kick out of that. Well gotta go chow!

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Hola Texas! Whats up?
Well shut up about me only having a year left please I'm working on writing a letter to the prophet to extend my mission a couple years. I'd serve all my life if I could. Well I'm just going to tell you I had a weird week.   I am the District leader right well anyway the hermanas in my district called me on like Wednesday and the were talking fast and I said hey hermanas hermans tranquilo calmate a su machu fue muy raro.  I'm  like girls calm down breathe tell me what the freak happened. Well they explained to me that they had an investigator and that her husband had cancer and was dying and she wanted me to give them a blessing I told them to look for someone in there ward first but they said no we want you to do it. Well anyway the next day we go over with the hermanas to give the blessing.  The hermanas had me explain the blessing of the sick to there investigator.  I just looked at her dying husband and looked at her and I explained some things then I said well I don't promise you that I will heal him but I do promise you that I will do the Lords will. Anyway we go over to the bed of this woman's dying husband and my companion did the anointing and I did the sealing and the blessing. Well I just put my hands on his head and said the obvious words like I seal this anointing, like the mandatory stuff well anyway I just started to think like listen to the spirit cuz when Elder Bednar came he gave a talk on how we only do the Lords will .  I'm thinking and I just said we came here to do the Lords will and that's what we will do in that instant I felt this feeling that he would die but I didn't want to pronounce the man dead in front of his wife and kids so I meditated the words in my mind and the Spirit confirmed that they were true when I said I bless you that you will come to a knowledge of the true Gospel of Jesus Christ and I closed the prayer .  I shared my feelings with my companion after it kinda seemed like he was saying you don't have faith Elder Atwood. I felt good about it. I get a call the next day from the hermanas in my district telling me that only a few hours after I gave the blessing the man died, so that was weird but a spiritual experience. Well I got another chance to use my priesthood later this week. My zone leader Elder Romero came on a work visit with me and things were good then he started feeling sick. We were in the middle of a lesson and I was waiting for him to teach something and well he couldn't he felt like throwing up so we ended the lesson and went to the house.  Apparently he just had diarrhea well he got diarrhea all day so we couldn't do a lot. In the night he went to my bathroom which our shower is like right in front of our toilet .  Right while he was crapping he started vomiting in my shower I was not pleased when I found that out later.  Anyway he was breathing heavy at night and couldn't sleep he just said Elder Atwood I need you to give me a blessing and I asked if he was sure so he said yes please I'm freaking dying . Well I get my oil and do the blessing i just remember saying in the name of CHIST be healed and he was sleeping and SNORING like a baby the rest of the night which made it hard for me to sleep but anyway he was still a little sick the next day but at least he got to sleep. I am still cleaning the bathroom and little mad cuz I didn't take pictures. Anyway well we are working with Sandra and her daughter 10 years old Ariana.   Sandra just has to get married which she will this month so a warning I might be more than missionary broke again if I have to pay for the other wedding 4 day a week ayuno comming up ahaha.  We are also working with Maria and her 9 year old son Daniel.  Maria couldn't come to conference cuz she was sick but Daniel came, it was good.  My comp wasn't to happy about it he kept telling me I don't want to baptize kids.  I told him that I don't baptize kids either, I BAPTIZE FAMILIES !  This week conference was great, all week I was sharing with people Ether 12: 39 which Moroni says something like and I would have you know that I have seen this JESUS and I have talked to him face to face like a man speaketh to another . I testify that we have a profeta hoy en dia que habla con JesuCristo cara a cara yo se es verdad no hay duda . Yo les testifico de esto . We have living prophet that talks with the SON OF GOD JESUS CHRIST FACE TO FACE, is that not just amazing!  Anyway I gotta go just keep on keeping on prayers for improving my Spanish accent would be appreciated CHOW