Elder Canyon Atwood

Monday, November 17, 2014

Week 2

Hey everyone! This is now my second week in Lima Peru it is awsome! The people here are so nice and friendly. Our investigators that are preparing for baptism are Sabastan, Arturo, and Kevin. Sabastan is 9 years old he is the son of a less active member named Raquel. She was unable to have a lot of lessons with us because she works a lot, but she allowed us to teach here son and he committed to baptism on the first lesson. It was so cool I shared how the Book of Mormon has blessed my life and I promised him that it will bring more blessings to his life than anything else. It was so cool, the little kid couldn't wait so he started reading the Book of Mormon right then while we were setting up an appointment to teach him again. Arturo is an awsome investigator we actually just had our first lesson with him on Friday and he commited to baptism it was so cool We were closing the lesson and asked him to be baptized and he said yes what do I need to do. Kevin, we taught him a couple times last week.  He is getting baptized on the 29th and  has a really strong testimony. Kevin actually has a best friend that was a recent convert that has come to our lessons with us he has been a huge help. Oh this next story is great.  So we are teaching this less active family, familia Martos.  They haven't been to church in years so every other night or so me and my companion will go over and read a chapter in the Book of Mormon with them. Usually its just the adults, well this time on Tuesday there son who is about 2 years old, Santiogo ( James in Spanish), decides to join which was fine at first. He then started pulling hair screaming, anyway we closed with a prayer and while in the middle of the prayer he started peeing on the floor. That was an awkward experience. Well we went to visit that family on Thursday again but there son Yaret who is 8 years old decides to join and read scriptures with us. We asked if we could close with a prayer and they asked me to choose who says the prayer so I chose Yaret. He didnt know how to pray so we gave him a card that shows him how and he gave a wonderful prayer. Well him and his family came to church on Sunday which was the first time in years. The little kid Yaret came up to us after sacrament meeting and said that he wanted to be baptized so we are going to teach them again this week. I got a little sick yesterday so I wasn't able to do much sadly I kept feeling like I was going to faint so my companion told me to take it easy and so I pretty much just slept all day so I feel 10 times better. I'm just glad that I wasn't sick earlier this week because Sunday here is actually the worst day for prosylyting. Everyone is either drunk or playing soccer and partying so we have to have our appointments set, we cant go knocking doors .Anyway its been a great week, Spanish is a little bit of a challenge but my companion blessed me yesterday to be healed and also that I will learn spanish very fast. I keep reading my Patriarchal blessing that promises the gift of tongues so I know that it will come if i keep working hard. I am actually finishing up Mosiah in the Spanish Book of Mormon. I don't know if the comment Gordon B Hinckley actually made is true or not but it can't hurt anyway. I love you all so much and can't wait to email you again.
Love Elder Atwood

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