A lot of the time we can feel pressured to go on a mission especially now because of the age change and you may feel like you don't have a testimony, I know I was one of those people if you didn't know. Well if you want a testimony of the Book of Mormon Read IT!! You want a testimony of prayer, PRAY! You want a testimony of the ATONEMENT, go to Gethsemane and back!!! It is so simple, it's almost too simple. I will tell you something that I have learned this week, a mission is for YOU!! If all God wanted was for people to here the gospel he would send old experienced people like every other church does. God sent a young 18 year old kid to Lima Peru so that HE would be changed by the Gospel so that HE could ( come unto Christ and be perfected in him Moroni 10;32). I can promise you guys this that a mission will be hard maybe even the hardest thing that you have ever done or ever will do, but you will come unto Christ. A mission is for YOU remember that. I have seen things here that I cant talk about, things that have changed my life for ever in a good way. I now know that without a doubt that Jesus Christ established this church, He is the Son of God.
You now know how to get a testimony, know go get it!
You now know how to get a testimony, know go get it!
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