Elder Canyon Atwood

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Week 10

Ok so this week was dope.  Sadly this week most of our lessons Monday through Thursday were no shows so we did tons of contacting and visiting less actives but it was still great. I finished the BOOK of Mormon on Thursday!!!! But you know what I'm not all the sudden fluent in Spanish like I was kind of hoping but I got something better.  The next day when I was teaching a lesson, I was actually on exchanges with the zone leaders, I started to talk about the Book of Mormon and I said that it's another testimony of Jesus Christ. Then I got impressed to share my testimony. I said that Jesus Christ established this church not Joseph Smith, and that I can promise you that when you read and you get down on your knees and ask God if it is true you will KNOW that it is true!  She got a little teary eyed and then the ZL said after you know these things are true will you follow the example of Jesus Christ and be baptized. They excepted!  I didn't all of the sudden speak perfect Spanish but I did gain a stronger testimony of the Book of Mormon and you know what that wasn't what I wanted but it is what I needed. You know what, I'm gonna read it again and my goal is to read the Book of Mormon 8 times on my mission. This is my advice to the young men out there and specifically to the young men in my ward ( cuz I kinda know them haha)
A lot of the time we can feel pressured to go on a mission especially now because of the age change and you may feel like you don't have a testimony, I know I was one of those people if you didn't know. Well if  you want a testimony of the Book of Mormon Read IT!! You want a testimony of prayer, PRAY! You want a testimony of the ATONEMENT, go to Gethsemane and back!!! It is so simple, it's almost too simple. I will tell you something that I have learned this week, a mission is for YOU!! If all God wanted was for people to here the gospel he would send old experienced people like every other church does.  God sent a young 18 year old kid to Lima Peru so that HE would be changed by the Gospel so that HE could ( come unto Christ and be perfected in him Moroni 10;32). I can promise you guys this that a mission will be hard maybe even the hardest thing that you have ever done or ever will do, but you will come unto Christ. A mission is for YOU remember that. I have seen things here that I cant talk about, things that have changed my life for ever in a good way.   I now know that without a doubt that Jesus Christ established this church,  He is the Son of God. 
You now know how to get a testimony, know go get it!

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