Elder Canyon Atwood

Monday, July 6, 2015

Hey  guys well I will give you an update of this week. We have been working super hard with this single mother and her children this week, sadly her 5 year oldest child Brian slipped and fell about 3 meters and cut his face pretty and now he has 5 stitches. Peruvians all live in hills, in really steep hills. I'm trying to get the time to send you guys some pictures of what I mean but it's hard cuz I have no time. Anyway he went out to pee in the middle of the night and he slipped and fell.  We tried to visit them everyday but they were only at there house twice so we have been worried for them . Well last week we were late to church cuz when we went to get them they told us that they had to eat breakfast first so we were really late cuz she had to prepare breakfast as well. So yesterday we brought them breakfast and were like hey ready for church we got breakfast.  So we brought them like the peruvian sandwiches that they like to eat for breakfast with yogurt and juice. I was mad cuz it was expensive cuz well missionaries were kinda poor but I payed for it and brought the food and they said they couldn't come.  Anyway we have 6 baptismal dates this month and we found 2 more people that will get baptized if not this month the next.  I'm stressing on the next month because they haven't come to church yet and I feel they need more time to get a stronger testimony . By the way future missionaries there is nothing wrong about waiting to baptize someone . Just because you can baptize them doesn't mean you should.  It actually says that in preach my gospel .I am kinda mad at some of the people that were baptized before I was here. One of them Jorge is still drinking and stuff, I don't know how he got baptized, another recent convert of missionaries before me is Jerson . Jerson thinks he is a Prophet. He doesn't believe in the physical death and has a lot of crap that just makes me mad but whatever. A missionary told me that I am just baptizing women and children . I told him since I have been here I have baptized 4 or 5 grown men that all attend church that have temple recommends and have the Melchizedek priesthood. By the way my convert in my first area Franswa is now the Ward Mission Leader there and in 6 months will be getting his endownments in the temple!  Get this if we get 4 more worthy priestood holders that pay there tithing the branch will become a ward . It was 8 or 9 but I gave them 4 or 5 so ya and I am also looking for less actives to get the preistood and be reactivated and pay tithing as well as 2 investigators that are men that will progress soon and get baptized the next month and get the priestood and so on.  My companion is sosooooo truncky this week, he looked at pictures of his girlfriend like everyday.  By the way bad idea to leave on a mission with a girl waiting, I have seen so many missionaries go home because of it and become lazy cuz all they can think about is there girl. Anyway Johvanna still gets on my nerves her husband actually has told me that he is sorry for the rudeness of his wife . We actually went this wednesday to the birthday of her daughter Danielle.  Johvanna chewed me out because we were like 20 minute late but when she saw my comp with the cake she told me why can't you be more like your comp he broght a cake. I said actually I did I payed for it I'm just carrying the bags and the chairs for your daughters party. So was kinda silent and her daughter who turned 8 that day ran up to me and gave me a big hug and said thanks. She is soo cute she made my day anyway this week was good but hopefully this next one will be alot better anyway love yall

Elder Atwood

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