Elder Canyon Atwood

Monday, August 10, 2015

Hola Texas 
Well this week was great.  We had Teofila and her kids Valeria (9) Anderson (3) and another who I just forgot his name sorry, as well as Shayla (18) and her mother who has been less active for years.  They are all preparing those of age of course for baptism.   Teofila and her husband are preparing to get married the end of this month then baptized the next day.   Her husband Timoteo and her daughter Yessica (16) can't go to church YET because the family is dirt poor and they have to work and there work demands Sundays so we are looking for other jobs that will enable them to come to church .  
 am working a lot with getting this guy Andres on a mission. He is a convert about 2 years or more as a member and he is great. He has been coming with us all day on visits practically everyday this week and even came to help us with service.  It really makes me think of how the missionaries helped me get on a mission and its been kinda good to repay the favor in a way. I don't really have a whole lot of complaints about my comp.   He's being more obedient and he just doesn't remember to set the alarm.   He controls the phone so he controls the alarm and he barks at me whenever I am on the phone.  I will ask him hey set the alarm or hey did you set the alarm he will tell me yes but I realized that he didn't when I got up one morning at 7:30 to pee and looked at the time and totally freaked out that has happened a few times so I have gotten into the habit of going to sleep waking up in the middle of the night to make sure that he set the alarm . Anyway it's a real big difference for some reason when you get up later than you should you are more tired than if you got up on time.   So I am kinda looking forward to this next change for a different comp and I have heard that I will be district leader or training so I will have a lot more say in what we do as companions but I don't know if not I will just work hard and do my best with the new comp  hopefully a new area.   I don't want to be here and train for another 3 months if that happens I will have served 9 months in one area and I do not want that but what happens happens the Lord knows best. The language is alot better. I am working on that grammer book as much as I can, problem is my comp doesn't like to have language study so I just study early in the morning and at night if I have time he tells me all the time the secret is to not talk any english but I'm like no the secret is to actually study because how can I say the new words and apply the new grammer if I don't even know the grammer .  Anyway life is good.  I am working hard and decided to put a goal on baptisms for the end of my mission.  I decided that if i keep baptizing at this rate at the end of my mission I could have a good 70 baptisms but I needed a better goal so I decided to put the Goal for 100 baptism and my goal is for all of them to be active at the end of my mission. So far so well all 15 of mine are active and I will have 8 more this month if all goes right.   Numbers don['t matter it's just motivation for me to work hard.  I gotta head out yall love yall
Elder Atwood

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