Elder Canyon Atwood

Monday, September 7, 2015

Hola Texas
Well this week will be a short message cuz I was sending pictures and everything. Well dad mom everyone I am going to tell you guys an experience that I had about 2 weeks ago. Well when i was leaving my old area in Villa Hermosa some people had kinda going away party for me well people were talking and hugging me the dudes only and all my converts were there. Well If you guys remember Johvanna well her family was there actually it was just her and her 2 kids the other child was away and the father was working. Well the kids went and hugged me the mom didn't tell them I was leaving she actually told them that it was my birthday because she said that she didnt want her kids to cry.. Well Johvanna was talking to me and with tears in her eyes she said I just want to thank you for bringing the gospel into my life and into the life of my family I know this is the true church and I'm so grateful and I will ALWAYS BE IN YOUR DEBT! Then she just went and hugged me really tight  I didn't really say anything but that was a really special moment for me too I'm not going to lie I got a little teary eyed too! SO that was a super special moment for me that I will never forget. Like sometimes as missionaries we feel that we aren't doing anything like we aren't effecting the lives of anyone but it felt really good to know that I at least helped someone . Anyway ya that was super cool . Well this week we are going to have 2 baptisms they are a couple Corina and Miguel. Well the zone leaders seem pretty happy that I'm actually doing something with the area. Apparently the area has only baptized 2 people in the past 6 months so i have to fix it up. I had to talk to my companion he still likes to play senior companion sometimes but its all good anyway. I'm working pretty hard to baptize a lot. Well in my district I have two sister missionaries and well they aren't baptizing anyone so the zone leaders are always on my butt about them. I understand why too and also they are hardly teaching any recent converts so I put a goal for them to teach 10 recent coverts a week minimum  cuz they were only getting about 5 . Well I went on a work visit with the sisters they are teaching like pure old people that are never going to progress cuz well they were born catholic raised catholica and are going to die catholic as quoted so I think they get a little too attached with some of there investigators and are afraid to let them go although that is what they need to do if they don't progress. Anyway I gotta go now but I will write more next week 

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