Elder Canyon Atwood

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

What's up Texas? well this week has been hard like our golden investigator Joel who said I want to get baptized asap well on Sunday morning we get a text from him saying that well he is going to stick with his church now. We have had some problems this week especially with Joel well para que sepa joel is like 28 and told us yo quiero a bautizarme el mas pronto que posible mañana si es que se puede but we told him he needed to prepare and everything and he was wicked exited about everything but the only problem was that his dad is from assembleas de dios and like hates the mormons but Joel had known the church for a long time so he was pretty exited. I guess Sunday or Saturday night his dad like disanimated him like crazy we don't really know anything cuz de la nada he sent us a text message saying he was just going to stick in his church so that made us sad but his friend is a member and Joel keeps his car in his house so we should be hearing from his friend today but ya other than that weve  been looking for families. We have this lady Minoska a less active that we will rescue but she has two kids that want to get baptized ,I dont really want to put them in the water cuz I need to talk to the dad but the dad doesn't want to talk to us but he wants his kids to get baptized kinda wierd right?  This week we also had interviews with presidente Godfrey  and check it out I might get another extension isn't that so freaking dope now he can't give ma a year but he said he can possibly give me another transfer  or more ojala que un año mas but ya they interview was weird.   I'll tell you more about it in a private eamil but ya anyway I'm all great I'm wokring hard and my best friend Elder Dority is my zone leader so all chill anywya ya I gotta go chow

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