Elder Canyon Atwood

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Hey mom and dad and everyone. Don't have a whole lot of time. I realize that I write the President the longest letter now. Kinda weird cuz the first few weeks I only wrote him like 3 sentences.  Now its like 3 pages. It's all good here in Peru, don't have a lot of time so pictures will have to wait until next week. Sorry mom.  I did get some pretty sweet pictures at the temple the other day as well as me eating a fish.  They leave the head on and I at every bit of it even the eye. Funny thing the eye is actually not that bad it's kinda chewy though.  I have had a cool week, my comp isn't letting me talk a lot even after I told him.  The other day when we were teaching the investigator asked why we worship on Sunday and others churches on Saturday. My comp tried to prove that Saturday was the Sabbath until the resurrection and the investigator didn't seem to like that so I said to him I don't think that the day is really important, I don't know the actual day that God rested cuz I wasn't there.  I believe that the principle is what is important that we give one day that is sanctified for God. He liked that. The investigator seemed to like my answer said no 
i agree with Elder Atwood.
Anyway I have no time left but I love you all so much and thank you all, although I am a little sad no one wanted to be my valentine. haha
Love you all,
Elder Atwood

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

This is what Branco Abanto sent me on facebook from Peru.  (Mama este video es OLA orar Leer Assistir es bacan, su hijo Canyon)

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Hey everyone! Ok so this week was cool. On P day we attended Lima Central to get some cool pictures. This week me and Elder Herrera worked pretty hard and I was pretty happy, he still doesn't really let me talk much. Yesterday in a lesson the only thing he let me say was my testimony. He is a nice guy and he is obedient  .  Anyway this week was great, I baptized two of the hermanas investigators. Funny story I was supposed to baptize 3. Well the first two were good then the 11 year old girl was about to be baptized then she started crying and stuff. Well we convinced her to just step in the water. Well the water was a little cold nothing like freezing but it was like the north pole for her.Well we got her in the water she was crying and I said the prayer then put her in the water. Immediately when I started putting her in the water she started kicking and kind of trying to do a sit up so that her face wouldn't go in, well it didn't . I told her that we needed to do it again and that she needed to be completely under the water, i guess that idea freaked her out or something and she started crying and screaming really bad. Her mom convinced or forced her to try again. Well in the middle of the prayer she started screaming and crying again and she let go of my hands. As it was my first baptism I didn't know what to do so I looked at my companion and Hermano Miguel and they said to just do it. So I tried and before I put her in the water she let go of my hands and was screaming and crying 10 times worse than before. Well that one didn't work out so they said we will do it another week. Not with me that freaked me out. HAHA!!

Brett Weidmann how is the dude? Was his fireside cool or what?

THE two people i baptized are Delia and Cesar. Cesar was so cool and he even asked for my email, facebook, and phone number to stay in contact. The kid is only 9 years old but he is so cool. He actually reminds me a lot of you Ridge. He plays soccer but loves video games and things like that. Lets see nothing else really happened this week just kinda teaching and stuff. We did have a work visit with the zone leaders  and I was with Elder Aoki ,the dude is part Japanese but he's American just in case your wondering. He was cool, I thought he would be like one of those guys that are really strict and my way or the highway. No the dude was relaxed. A hard worker but he seemed to be like one of those missionaries that really enjoys  the mission. I liked him because he let me take the lead and actually talk in lessons which was good. It felt good to actually participate. We seemed to work pretty well together in my opinion.  Anyway dad thanks for the advice it really helps. I love you for setting the example for me to go on a mission.

Love you all
The day began with a bus trip from the Miraflores district to the top of the Cerro San Cristóbal, the steep hill that overlooks the city. It’s a vertiginous ride up a narrow road, but worth it. The 360-degree view gave missionaires a better sense of the vastness of this city of 9 million. The hill was worshipped in pre-Colombian times as an Apu, or divine protector. When the Spaniards seized the area, they erected a wooden cross on the summit and renamed the hill.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Ok hey everyone this is my week. Well we finally got our shower fixed so there is hot water !!! I was so happy except when I found out that it's almost boiling hot water which kinda hurts. I turn the heat on then the heat off so when it was burning hot I turn the heat off and it gradually cools down until freezing cold then I repeat the process. I might just go back to showering cold considering I was getting used to it. I am sleeping alright at night, my beds a little small but its nothing to complain about. The only problem is the heat it is 1000 degrees here. At night I blaze a fan on and I  probably loose 5 pounds of sweat every night here.  Anyway, so I read River's email, can he send me some of the steroids he's using I could use some haha!!! My companion Elder Herrera is from peru but his original mission was for Venezuela.  I guess they are having some problems down there with the president or something so hes serving here. He is 23 years old so thats cool. Doesn't really speak  a whole lot of English but repeats one phrase a lot.... she's my future wife haha!! He says that alot as a joke. I dont know what it is but the latinos here love to go into detail about the creation almost like about 20 minutes just on the creation.  Anyhow I am doing good still,struggling with Spanish but I have made a lot of progress. I got a notepad to write down what something means and I take it with me everywhere I go. My main focus is memorizing all the conjugations and stuff that way when I learn a word I can conjugate it. Its a slow process so make sure that the priests know that the gift of tongues is earned not given and it is a slow process. Anyway, yesterday two of the Hermanas investigators want me to baptize them this week as they have had there final interviews so I said yes.  It will be cool but hard considering I have to memorize the prayer and there names. People here take  the last name of the father and the last name of the mother but I guess when you get married you only use the last name of your father and the last name of your spouse. So ya its a lot to memorize . Oh well I will be sure to get lots of pictures mom. I love you all and hope you have another great week.
Love Elder Atwood

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Hey everyone hows a going. First things first River Jon Brandon River River EMAIL ME !!!!
I miss you guys and if you can tell i miss my brother the most.Well this week my comp had transfers i didnt which sucks but oh well. I have a new companion Elder Herrera.   The shower has been broken for 3 weeks.,more specifically the heater is broken. I was taking cold showers and finally decided I couldn't do it so what I do now is I have this bucket and I just fill it up with water and cover myself in soap and shampoo then just dump the bucket of water over my head. Oh well! I've also had some really weird dreams since that time. Like the other day I think that I was literally a vampire. That was really weird. Also last night I had a dream that I was in a music video. I just remember waking up thinking man that was  a weird freaking dream.  Well maybe its something in the shampoo here haha!!!

These are pictures that we took a couple of weeks before Christmas The latino is Hermana Osignaga The other is Hermana Karrate.