Elder Canyon Atwood

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Hey everyone hows a going. First things first River Jon Brandon River River EMAIL ME !!!!
I miss you guys and if you can tell i miss my brother the most.Well this week my comp had transfers i didnt which sucks but oh well. I have a new companion Elder Herrera.   The shower has been broken for 3 weeks.,more specifically the heater is broken. I was taking cold showers and finally decided I couldn't do it so what I do now is I have this bucket and I just fill it up with water and cover myself in soap and shampoo then just dump the bucket of water over my head. Oh well! I've also had some really weird dreams since that time. Like the other day I think that I was literally a vampire. That was really weird. Also last night I had a dream that I was in a music video. I just remember waking up thinking man that was  a weird freaking dream.  Well maybe its something in the shampoo here haha!!!

These are pictures that we took a couple of weeks before Christmas The latino is Hermana Osignaga The other is Hermana Karrate.

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