Elder Canyon Atwood

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Hey mom and dad and everyone. Don't have a whole lot of time. I realize that I write the President the longest letter now. Kinda weird cuz the first few weeks I only wrote him like 3 sentences.  Now its like 3 pages. It's all good here in Peru, don't have a lot of time so pictures will have to wait until next week. Sorry mom.  I did get some pretty sweet pictures at the temple the other day as well as me eating a fish.  They leave the head on and I at every bit of it even the eye. Funny thing the eye is actually not that bad it's kinda chewy though.  I have had a cool week, my comp isn't letting me talk a lot even after I told him.  The other day when we were teaching the investigator asked why we worship on Sunday and others churches on Saturday. My comp tried to prove that Saturday was the Sabbath until the resurrection and the investigator didn't seem to like that so I said to him I don't think that the day is really important, I don't know the actual day that God rested cuz I wasn't there.  I believe that the principle is what is important that we give one day that is sanctified for God. He liked that. The investigator seemed to like my answer said no 
i agree with Elder Atwood.
Anyway I have no time left but I love you all so much and thank you all, although I am a little sad no one wanted to be my valentine. haha
Love you all,
Elder Atwood

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