Elder Canyon Atwood

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Hola Texas well this is going to be quick cuz I got on internet late cuz my comps dying had to go to a meeting  Well this week my comp was really like really trunky just wanted to sleep all day so I asked my district leader to give me like 4 work visits and when he asked what I was going to do I said find baptisms cuz well I have to baptize at least 3 this month that's what I put as the goal and I want to baptize 10 the next month so I have like 4 or more possibilities for this month but I gotta start looking now for March. So we went and I found two families that accepted to be married and baptized so sorry mom and dad but I am going to be sooo broke this month and the next I don't know why marriage is soo expensive here but what can you do . I also found a woman Annebell who also accepted to be baptized but she couldn't come to church this week because some family came to visit but shes coming the next.  I also found this lady who is a member but her husband and are not so jackpot I am also looking for some part member families which I should be getting a list of from our ward mission leader this week. Basically I was looking for people and contacting all week so my key indicators looked bad but I dont care cuz I will baptize like crazy and that's the only thing that I care about so ya . Funny things this week when my comp and I went to like a market to go get his camera fixed well they have like this movie stand where they sell movies and also usbs and technology I was asking about some memory cards cuz I need some more and well my comp calls me over and he is laughing and says lets go and I ask why he says those nurses want to eat you . So I was like what and I look over to where I was and there are these two nursesexcept they are not nurses they were like sexy nurses if you know what I mean I think they were advertising for like a club or something and I was like oh ok and right when I was about to go they tried talking to me and I was like uuuughgg ok then I was like Alejate de mi Satanas!!! Departe From me hence Satan!! and like gandoff from lord of the rings YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!!!!!!!!
 I hope my kid will be cool  so that we won't have any problems. I am about out of time, chow love y'!all

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