Hey Whats up Texas? How can I put it I am not trunky at all I do not want to go home at all I feel that there is so much that I still need to do for others as well as for myself. I feel like I haven't changed as I should have but oh well these twelve weeks I really want to give it my all and as my comp is a good guy but has 6 months in the area he is really disanimated like depressed. I love him but it's hard on me cuz he just doesn't care like the other day he told me I'm here for two years that's it thats all I'm here for to go on a mision and go home saying how he doesn't care about baptisms or anything that kinda just makes me mad cuz he just wants to waste time in the house or in the houses of members and ya its really stressing me out cuz I feel like its been this way my whole mission I'm ready to work and I have a companion that's holding me back , don't get me wrong I'm not saying that I am the best misisionary and I am sure I have held back some missionaries but man it just makes me sad I work my butt off and they just don't care oh well I'm in kind of a depressed state so ya sorry but I will talk about somehting very cool. I have been studying more about seeing Christ face to face and I have seen in D&C 93:1 88:68 also some other scriptures such as the John 14 about the otro consolador and in la guia de escrituras it talks about two comfortors the first is the espiritu santo el otro es JesuCristo mismo and that when a man recieves the second comfortor that Christ may appear to him from time to time to instruct him. and may even present him to the father. I have also learned from a quote by Bruce R Mckonky El élder Bruce R. McConkie escribió que la
promesa de ver el rostro de Dios puede tener
cumplimiento en esta vida: "Tenemos el poder y el
privilegio de que, al llegar a ser limpios de corazón, veamos
la faz de Dios aun mientras vivamos en este mundo de
pecado y tristeza
promesa de ver el rostro de Dios puede tener
cumplimiento en esta vida: "Tenemos el poder y el
privilegio de que, al llegar a ser limpios de corazón, veamos
la faz de Dios aun mientras vivamos en este mundo de
pecado y tristeza
The translation is that the promise to see the face of God can be completed in this life ( we have the power and the privilege that becoming clean in heart we see the face of God even while we live in this world of sin and sadness
but ya I have also learned from my studies that the temple was built for the purpose of seeing the Lord face to face in the Celestial room,
So that's something intersting, also I have really been trying to pray as Moroni 7 says with all energy of heart. I'm trying but I feel like I'm missing something. I'm trying to ask what the spirti would have me ask 3 Nephi 18 24 but ya its hard I'm trying to be more sensative to the promptings of the Holy Ghost trying to discern those promoptings but ya anyway well also I am just trying to pray to have more faith and charity and to become pure in heart. I have found the same answer ...keep´the commandments,pray, fast, read the scriputres, and basically those things I am doing. I put a goal to fast twice a week and to be positive that's the hard one by the way and to always have clean thoughts when I say clean thoughts I'm talking about positive thoughts I'm talking about thinking about Christ and what he did for me all day long its hard but I'm working on it well im almost done but i wanna say
I love you ireland!! you are freaking 16 years old!!! Wow I'm such a grandpa now ahha !!!Ireland I love you so muych you still can't date cuz I'm still not home and I can't interview the boys yet but ya I love you sis you are so beautiful I love you have a happy birthday and remember that comes from peru as well ahaha
I gotta go y'all!!
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