Hola Texas whats up well I don't know how to tell yall how i feel but I am feeling alot better this week and I'll tell you why first well theses last couple of weeks have been hard for me cuz my comp is super disanimated and just didn't want to do anything. Well then last week just looking for comfort i read this talk about this 40 day fast to purify yourselft long story short you do a fast and in the spirit of prayer and fasting you make a list of all the things that interupt the spirit then when you have your list you promise the Lord to abstain from those things on the list for 40 days apparently at the beginning its really hard and the temptation in intense like never before but at the end of the 40 days you have no desire to do anything on the list and you feel the spirit very strong so i talked to my comp about it and well he agreed to do it so well these are some of the things on my list: not check our girls, not be negative, don't say anything bad about anyone so ya most of it is mental but its hard like hard I felt wicked tempted but I did my best to do lo puedo en Cristo que me fortalezca. I am going to keep on with this but I noticed a great difference in the spirit this week. I told presidnet the last week about my troubles and asked him how I can strengthen my faith in Christ to bring forth miracles cuz he's talking a lot about miracles and well he said that I need to keep track of the small miracles and thanking the Lord for them and obeying the law of sacrifice so he said I was looking for a hard week and that is exactly what I got we only had 17 lessons which compared to the 32 we have normaly but wow appointments just fell and fell like crazy so we just went contacting and contacting but nothing no one wanted to listen but we took out a baptismal date with Allison and Manuel who will both get baptized this 27th. Then an old investigator Diana came to church so there is hope for her again but when we were ending church the first councilor called us and there was this lady Maribel in a room in the church and he told us that he was outside of the church talking on the phone and she came up to him crying like crazy looking for help we talked to her and she said that she had commited an abortion about 3 days ago and she felt so bad she felt like an assasin she said and how when she was cleaning herself down low something small came out and she looked in her hand and it was her baby that she killed and how it was formed and everything so ya basically we taught her right there and then telling her how what she did was the most grave of sins but she may be able to recieve forgivness if she repents and is baptized we didn't put a date cuz that depends on an interview that she would have to have in the future with you cuz I know repentance from an abortion can take a while so ya but then when we were like wow! What a blessing this guy Lucho gives us a reference to teach his family so we had like 5 new investigators only two actually live there but I understand that the rest live in Provincia and but they may be here for a couple of months so if so we may be able to baptize him haha well ya I mean it was a hard week but the Lord really blessed us for trying
I really saw tons of blessings this week and I am so stoked for the experiences that I have had and the best part is my comp is a little more excited about the work and I hope that these experiences can change his mission.
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