Elder Canyon Atwood

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Hola Texas!  Well this week was mas o menos well me and my comp were not to good with the 40 day fast this week it's really hard I'm trying to keep him going but its hard like when it's just the two of us he's alright but when he's in a group of missionaries he tries to look cool like the other day I'm like hey can you come with me to the bathroom please , the bathrooms on the other side of the building and we can't be alone as misisonaries, and he's like why you can't go alone you need someone to hold your ..... so ya I was like dude chill out and I finally get him to go and he's like ya I'll wait outside of the bathroom and I'm cool with that but when I go out he's not even there and I had to call the other missionaries to come get me so I had a companion but ya just things like that I've almost punched him in the face like I'm patient I've learned to not make a fuss of everything but it's just things like that that really frustrate me I'm like dude I mean I'm trying to help him but ya I can only do so much ahah!! Oh well anyway my friend 
Elder Dority is still trying to get me to cancel my extension ahaha he's just joking though well were going to baptize Allison and Manuel this Saturday which excites me.  This guy Manuel wants to be a misisonary he's 24 and we taught his family like sister brothers this week and it was so amazing to see him bare testimony of the church and of the Book of Mormon. We're hoping that he can baptize his family this next month but ya before I forget they were all about to go to church but the daughter who is a year old of his sister got real sick and had to run to the hospital the last minute but oh well also we had to teach Allison last night to get her ready for baptism she didn't feel completely ready so we talked about our first invitacion was to read the Book of Mormon and ask God if it is true she said that she has and she hasn't gotten an answer so we basically just helped her recognize her answer then we had to answer her doubts about the law of chastity she is basically afraid that she is never going to get married and then she is going to die a virgen which is a forgive me but stupid idea and I shared with her alma 42 29 which is great by the way.  Well anyway I'm putting a goal to try to be more positive which is hard cuz I am very direct like its scaring me a bit like the other day we were teaching this lady the law of chastity and I made them cry haha but they are getting baptized so its all good but like in an interview I've done like about ooooooooohhhhhhhhhh a year ago I had to interview this girl that was 14 and she had problems with the law of chastity I made her confess to her parents be clean for a month then break up with her boyfriend and pass another interview with me she didn't want to do it but I said ok then you cant get baptized  but ya it's gonna be scary when I get home. Like I've even made some missionaries cry , so Ireland your dates better watch out haha well its all starting to hit in like im scared I dont think I remember how to kiss a girl or even ask one out on a date like it could be bad like ok so do you commit ( i think its commit in spanish its entonces usted se compromete) to comming on a date with me this friday? no ... que es lo que le impide? that would be what keeps you from it? your ugly..... if it wasnt for that would you go out with me haha ? my dates are going to be like institutes and Book of Mormon studies or something hahaa!!! I don' t know but I'm not going to put much focus on that but I do have some good goals for when I get home. I want to read the Book of Mormon out loud 15 minutes everyday , pray out loud in spanish everyday, pay my tithing, always fast often, and go out with the missionaries at least twice a month. Also some temporal goals are to find a good job, never work Sundays, never go in debt, and improve Spanish, and learn to sing in Spanish like that would be cool, but ya those are some good temporal goals I dont know if I'll study right away but ya 
Later Texas

Monday, August 15, 2016

Hola Texas whats up well I don't know how to tell yall how i feel but I am feeling alot better this week and I'll tell you why first well theses last couple of weeks have been hard for me cuz my comp is super disanimated and just didn't want to do anything. Well then last week just looking for comfort i read this talk about this 40 day fast to purify yourselft long story short you do a fast and in the spirit of prayer and fasting you make a list of all the things that interupt the spirit then when you have your list you promise the Lord to abstain from those things on the list for 40 days apparently at the beginning its really hard and the temptation in intense like never before but at the end of the 40 days you have no desire to do anything on the list and you feel the spirit very strong so i talked to my comp about it and well he agreed to do it so well these are some of the things on my list: not check our girls, not be negative, don't say anything bad about anyone so ya most of it is mental but its hard like hard I felt wicked tempted but I did my best to do lo puedo en Cristo que me fortalezca.  I am going to keep on with this but I noticed a great difference in the spirit this week.  I told presidnet the last week about my troubles and asked him how I can strengthen my faith in Christ to bring forth miracles cuz he's talking a lot about miracles and well he said that I need to keep track of the small miracles and thanking the Lord for them and obeying the law of sacrifice so he said I was looking for a hard week and that is exactly what I got we only had 17 lessons which compared to the 32 we have normaly but wow appointments just fell and fell like crazy so we just went contacting and contacting but nothing no one wanted to listen but we took out a baptismal date with Allison and Manuel who will both get baptized this 27th. Then  an old investigator Diana came to church so there is hope for her again but when we were ending church the first councilor called us and there was this lady Maribel in a room in the church and he told us that he was outside of the church talking on the phone and she came up to him crying like crazy looking for help we talked to her and she said that she had commited an abortion about 3 days ago and she felt so bad she felt like an assasin she said and how when she was cleaning herself down low something small came out and she looked in her hand and it was her baby that she killed and how it was formed and everything so ya basically we taught her right there and then telling her how what she did was the most grave of sins but she may be able to recieve forgivness if she repents and is baptized we didn't put a date cuz that depends on an interview that she would have to have in the future with you cuz I know repentance from an abortion can take a while so ya but then when we were like wow! What a blessing this guy Lucho gives us a reference to teach his family so we had like 5 new investigators only two actually live there but I understand that the rest live in Provincia and but they may be here for a couple of months so if so we may be able to baptize him haha well ya I mean it was a hard week but the Lord really blessed us for trying
I really saw tons of blessings this week and I am so stoked for the experiences that I have had and the best part is my comp is a little more excited about the work and I hope that these experiences can change his mission. 

Monday, August 8, 2016

Hey Whats up Texas? How can I put it I am not trunky at all I do not want to go home at all I feel that there is so much that I still need to do for others as well as for myself. I feel like I haven't changed as I should have but oh well these twelve weeks I really want to give it my all and as my comp is a good guy but has 6 months in the area he is really disanimated like depressed. I love him but it's hard on me cuz he just doesn't care like the other day he told me I'm here for two years that's it thats all I'm here for to go on a mision and go home saying how he doesn't care about baptisms or anything that kinda just makes me mad cuz he just wants to waste time in the house or in the houses of members and ya its really stressing me out cuz I feel like its been this way my whole mission I'm ready to work and I have a companion that's holding me back , don't get me wrong I'm not saying that I am the best misisionary and I am sure I have held back some missionaries but man it just makes me sad I work my butt off and they just don't care oh well I'm in kind of a depressed state so ya sorry but I will talk about somehting very cool.  I have been studying more about seeing Christ face to face and I have seen in D&C 93:1 88:68 also some other scriptures such as the John 14 about the otro consolador and in la guia de escrituras it talks about two comfortors the first is the espiritu santo el otro es JesuCristo mismo and that when a man recieves the second comfortor that Christ may appear to him from time to time to instruct him. and may even present him to the father. I have also learned from a quote by Bruce R Mckonky El élder Bruce R. McConkie escribió que la
promesa de ver el rostro de Dios puede tener
cumplimiento en esta vida: "Tenemos el poder y el
privilegio de que, al llegar a ser limpios de corazón, veamos
la faz de Dios aun mientras vivamos en este mundo de
pecado y tristeza 

The translation is  that the promise to see the face of God can be completed in this life ( we have the power and the privilege that becoming clean in heart we see the face of God even while we live in this world of sin and sadness
but ya I have also learned from my studies that the temple was built for the purpose of seeing the Lord face to face in the Celestial room,
So that's something intersting,  also I have really been trying to pray as Moroni 7 says with all energy of heart.  I'm trying but I feel like I'm missing something. I'm trying to ask what the spirti would have me ask 3 Nephi 18 24 but ya  its hard I'm trying to be more sensative to the promptings of the Holy Ghost trying to discern those promoptings but ya anyway well also I am just trying to pray to have more faith and charity and to become pure in heart. I have found the same answer ...keep´the commandments,pray, fast, read the scriputres, and basically those things I am doing. I put a goal to fast twice a week and to be positive that's the hard one by the way and to always have clean thoughts when I say clean thoughts I'm talking about positive thoughts I'm talking about thinking about Christ and what he did for me all day long its hard but I'm working on it well im almost done but i wanna say

I love you ireland!! you are freaking 16 years old!!! Wow I'm such a grandpa now ahha !!!Ireland I love you so muych you still can't date cuz I'm still not home and I can't interview the boys yet but ya I love you sis you are so beautiful I love you have a happy birthday and remember that comes from peru as well ahaha
 I gotta go y'all!!

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Hola Texas well im doing good I'm just bummed about my mission extension getting denied although my friend elder Dority is pretty happy ahhaaha!! He's actually one reason I want to go to Utah for a year and work instead of study he's just a great friend and has changed my life in alot of ways!! This week we had a baptism for this 16 year old named Andy. He's a great guy really actually my comp baptized the family but not him so when I went there I asked how many kids they have and how many were members and well he wasn't so ya he wanted to get baptized so ya it was great. I really don't know how my comp baptized everyone else but him oh well they all members now except the father who is excommincated but ya they are active and are really great. 

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

What's up Texas? well this week has been hard like our golden investigator Joel who said I want to get baptized asap well on Sunday morning we get a text from him saying that well he is going to stick with his church now. We have had some problems this week especially with Joel well para que sepa joel is like 28 and told us yo quiero a bautizarme el mas pronto que posible mañana si es que se puede but we told him he needed to prepare and everything and he was wicked exited about everything but the only problem was that his dad is from assembleas de dios and like hates the mormons but Joel had known the church for a long time so he was pretty exited. I guess Sunday or Saturday night his dad like disanimated him like crazy we don't really know anything cuz de la nada he sent us a text message saying he was just going to stick in his church so that made us sad but his friend is a member and Joel keeps his car in his house so we should be hearing from his friend today but ya other than that weve  been looking for families. We have this lady Minoska a less active that we will rescue but she has two kids that want to get baptized ,I dont really want to put them in the water cuz I need to talk to the dad but the dad doesn't want to talk to us but he wants his kids to get baptized kinda wierd right?  This week we also had interviews with presidente Godfrey  and check it out I might get another extension isn't that so freaking dope now he can't give ma a year but he said he can possibly give me another transfer  or more ojala que un año mas but ya they interview was weird.   I'll tell you more about it in a private eamil but ya anyway I'm all great I'm wokring hard and my best friend Elder Dority is my zone leader so all chill anywya ya I gotta go chow

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Hey what's up Texas? I'm great! This week has been good so far.  This week has been good like real good but also hard I'm in an area that in the past 6 months they have had 3 baptisms but we are programing for like 5 this month.  Diana has a date for this week and we have this black guy not to be racist its just there are not alot of dark people here he has a date for the 30th but he doesn't feel prepared but he wants to get baptized.  Funny story about him everyone thought he was a member cuz he has been going to church for like 4 years he actually went on a temple trip and everyone thought he was member and he went to the registration haha the dude enterd the temple but they kicked him out hahaha.  We also have this guy Joel he's dope literally fell from the sky well not literally but what happened is that he heard the missionaries before and was going to get baptized but he owed money to some columbian gang thats comes here and lends money to everyone but kills them if they don't pay and well ya he came up to us and wants to get baptized. We will put him in the water this 24th or the 30th.   Then I found 2 pfs part member family there is a mother who has 2 kids and wants them to get baptized the father doesn't want a thing but I said that before she even signs a permission I need to know her husband and talk to him cuz I am convinced that anyone can get baptized.  Then we have this girl Mara she is a snake a recent convert the freaking retarted misisonaries just baptized her without even teaching her family but now were teaching her mom Cristina and her 3 sisters Ariana, Samara and Tamara. Only Samara went to chruch this week she is 8 and every time she sees me she runs and hugs my legs haha!!  Well were gonna be working on them for this month or the month of agosto so ya things are looking dope were still getting low lessons but I don't care cuz were progressing like crazy and ya well life is good! We are  working hard and my comp is a little lazy and he want to go up as district leader like crazy this change so he is prideful and tries to tell me what to do but in our companion invintory he tried to council me and burn me a bit like how I need to do more work visits to the elders in my district how he doesn't want to work in the morning how he doesn't want to befriend the members and how he wants to visit these girls.  I kinda told him no on all of them telling him I will not do a work visit for 24 hours unless there are progressing investigators that they will visit or interviews and how snakes is a big no no and how he needs to befriend the members better cuz they gossip alot here like its crazy and everyone is telling me I need to marry peruvian so if they ask y'all I am in a very commited long distace relationship ok just cuz I dont want any of that. I told him he's to just be patient cuz I know what I am doing I have had lots of success not to brag but my zone leader Elder Dority told me that I am the missionary with the most baptisms in the mission and my comp only has 6 but I understand anyway. Well this is a great week have a geat one y'all chow!
I got the opportunity to see Miguel and Rosa and their baptisms.  I got permission from he assistants to go with my zone leader Dority because he also left people that were preparing for baptisms.  I was going to baptize but I had to go fast so my kid did it with his new companion.  Miguel and Rosa cried when they saw me and I cried as well!

Me and my first kid with the heart sign