Elder Canyon Atwood

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


Hey mom, Hey Dad,
 Words cannot explain how much I miss you guys!  I miss home, but I am so extremely happy to be here. My average day at the MTC is wake up at 6 am to get some extra study time in, breakfast at 8, then we learn from our teacher until lunch, after which we teach our investigator a 20 minute lesson then continue to study until dinner. Then we go to the computers to study for 1 hour then we get together with our Zone and have a hymn and prayer. My companion is Elder Coomer, and is from Seattle, Washington. He is exactly like Kevin Bushman. I have made some decent friends here but not like the ones back home. Everything and I mean everything is in Spanish form day 1 which sucks. I feel like I have kinda gotten stuck at the language. It sucks cuz I'm up early to stud, and study hard throughout the day while everyone else in my district goofs off and sleeps in and they are still learning spanish better than I am. We can't go to the temple at all during my time at the MTC, something about it sinking a little bit every year. Someone said it will actually have to be rededicated. General conference was awesome. I cried my eyes out during Jeffrey R Hollands talk on the Saturday session. I felt really good about that talk. I dont know why but that's the talk that I needed to here that week. OH and DAD HAPPY 41 BIRTHDAY!!!!!!
Dont think that i forgot!!
I love you so much and I would really appreciate it if you pray that I will have the gift of tongues because that is something that I have really been struggling with this week. By the way River you know how we thought all Sister Missionaries were not hot. Well WRONG!! These are some of the hottest girls I have ever seen so just keep that in mind. Actually funny story before conference on Sunday a leader at the MTC gave a talk on specific prayers one of the stories that he shared was how this Sister used specific prayer to find a husband. Anyway, so Iglance over at this Sister Missionary that was sitting beside me who was really hot by the way, and I saw in her notes a sentence that took up the entire page! In all caps it said ( HOW TO FIND A HUSBAND). I was laughing so freaking hard it was the funniest thing in the world. I should have said something like,"  Look No Farther Honey Im Here!" HAHA
Anyway its been a great week I would actually really appreciate some letters or something with a picture of our family and some of my friends with maybe a bag of skittles just cuz you get diarreah here like crazy since all the food has already been digested before you eat it. Anyway I love you guys so much and cant wait to here from you again. I'll make sure to have the sign for papa next week for his birthday.
I love you all soooooo much! Oakley keep doing what mom and dad say. Ireland stay away form boys they are icky. River keep working out eating right and someday if you are lucky you can have a body like Kevins. Mom keep being awesome. Dad HAPPY BIRTHDAY and make sure that you tell mom you love here everyday. Ridge your an awesome kid we are more alike than you think, remember to tell mom everything about your day when you get home and don't bottle up any emotions. I LOVE you guys so much and cant wait to see you in two years and see how much you have changed! GOD BE WITH YOU TILL WE MEET AGAIN! 


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