Hey guys thanks for the email, letters, pictures, and the Dew. It really means a lot. So the computers here are totally gay and won't let me send pictures unless I have a cord or a card reader and they don't have that at the store in the MTC so if you could send me a card reader so I could send you guys pictures that would be perfect. Congrats to River and Ireland ! Thats super impressive. I can't wait to here from you guys again. I actually got the letters about Wednesday last week, but apparently when you send letters in the package with dew or food or whatever it gets here like the next day or even that day which is dope. Anyway, I have grown to love my companion. He is so dope. We are just about the only ones who follow the rules in our district so I have seen blessings come from that. I have a sick experience that I'm going to share with you guys. Ok, so last time I emailed you guys I was extremely struggling with Spanish. Well later that week me and my companion Elder Coomer went to teach our investigator and suddenly I could speak Spanish . Not perfect Spanish but I was able to give the lesson about the plan of salvation in Spanish. It was so awesome. I have been getting complements all over the place on how much I have improved. Its crazy because me and Elder Weaver, a Elder from my district both came here knowing no spanish. He decided to goof off and talk during study time while me and my companion would go outside away from distractions and study hard. We are up early every morning studying, we labeled everything in our apartment in Spanish so we have to use it in a sentence every time we see it. Now Elder Weaver is at the same level that he was at his first week here while now I am one of the top 4 Spanish speakers in the district. Weird thing though after I gave that first lesson in Spanish I could not say a word in Spanish for the rest of the day. I think God is funny that way. I think that he wanted to show me that without him I am nothing, but with him I can do all things. So this Sunday we have a member from the quorum of the twelve coming to the MTC here in Mexico . Can you guess which one? That's right Elder Anderson! We are all so psyched, but our mission president did say that the Elder who asks to exchange ties with him will be shot! Haha! He is a little scary. I could swear that he has killed a couple people. HAHA!! Anyway I would greatly appreciate it if you sent me a card reader that would work with my camera because I really want to send you guys pictures. Letters are awesome because I can read them that day while I have to wait a week for email. LOVE YOU GUYS SOOOO MUCH I PRAY FOR YOU ALL DAY EVERYDAY.
Your son, your brother, your friend, and your missionary Elder Atwood.
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