Elder Canyon Atwood

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Week 4

Hey guys how is everyone doing? Okay, so when I was called as Zone Leader I was told that we don't have to do anything. My first day as Zone Leader some kid in another district in my zone gave a friend of mine in my district a concussion during handball! So our district leader was yelling at that kid and it was going back and forth so I had to separate them.   We left with like half of gym time left because everyone was angry.  My second day a new girl who is actually going to the Houston mission suddenly broke down and cried in the middle of our nightly hymn so I had to go and talk to her. She is doing fine now so that's good. The 3rd day one kid who has been here about 3 weeks broke down  crying saying that he needed to talk to the Branch President. So I had to walk with him to reception, call like 3 different people and they told us that he could talk to the kid in 30 minutes.  I guess he couldn't make it, we found that out after waiting for 2 hours then we called again and  the counselor could talk to him at like 8 that night. The kid is doing good now. That was a lot of drama for a first week Zone Leader !! I think everyone is doing well! I gave a talk about the restoration in complete Spanish on Sunday. I had the Branch President tell me that I spoke with a perfect accent and that I have made to of progress. I actually had some people come up to me asking me how long I have spoken Spanish. I had to explain to them that I had only learned in the MTC and that all I know is religious vocab. Its been good here, our Latino room mates left yesterday.  They were super cool and taught me and Elder Coomer some slang and some things not to do. One was actually from Peru so he told us some of the customs there and apparently some common hand signs that we use everyday are really bad in Peru and Mexico, even the way you knock can be a curse word.  That was good to know because that's how we were knocking on people's doors for our fake investigators. Ha ha.  We will be receiving our flight plans probably on Friday but I know that we are either leaving on Tuesday or Wednesday. 
I was actually thinking about something to tell the priests. Here is my advice. Although seminary, scripture mastery, knowledge about the gospel, and church attendance are important, the most important thing that you can do, the most important thing that you can have is an unshakable testimony of Jesus Christ. I never really loved seminary or stayed awake.  Ha ha!  I never really had a lot of scriptures memorized but what I developed through all of my experiences out of everything that I have been through I came to the MTC with an unshakable testimony. You can brag about your seminary attendance but guess what the spirit don't have a GPA. You can have all the scriptures in the world memorized to teach your investigator but they are just words that you have said. I heard a kid tell us during role play his mom said this his mom knows that, I asked him but do you know?   He was stunned silent. When you have your own unshakable testimony in Jesus Christ they are not your moms or anyone else's testimony it is yours, there becomes a Spirit that just carries you. There becomes power in those scriptures that you know. So tell the young men to do whatever it takes to gain THEIR OWN UNSHAKABLE TESTIMONY OF JESUS CHRIST. I love you all so much and i cant wait to hear from you again.

Our conversation with Canyon today!
Are you flossing and brushing?I am flossing and brushing religiously whatever gets the taste the food away.
Are you still getting along with your companion?
Ya i am getting along better with him we are just totally different but i guess that way we feed off each others strengths
Have you made any good friends?
I have become really good friends with most of the guys in my district. 
Have you had a good week?
I just got a crappy haircut like and hour ago. Its super short the lady literally buzzed my sides and my back and left the top way thicker but oh well it will grow back.
Do you have to pay for your own haircuts at the MTC?
No, we don't have to pay for our haircuts. The hairdressers actually give every man the same haircut like the exact same. Funny story, this Hermana walked in to get her hair cut today, Hermana Ruthterford, she was the hot one that i was talking about. Anyway I started talking to her a bit, she is actually going to the Riverside California mission so Kendell better not marry her before I do H aha. Okay, so the hairdresser came over and I told her that she wants it supper short like Abby dent short and the lady was like okay.  She started talking to the Sister and I had to tell the hairdresser that i was kidding. H aha.
Are you getting excited to be in PERU?
I am super pumped for Peru. I just cant wait to get out and serve people. It's so exiting!   I know its gonna be hard but I can't wait.
Is there anything you want me to try to send something for Christmas in Peru?
Nothing right now. I actually heard that there is a mail strike going on in Peru right now.
(I looked online and Canyon is right there is a mail strike.  Sorry Grandma Atwood.  They said they would send the mail back to sender)

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