We had Sabastians baptism on Saturday and it was great. I said the opening prayer and was a witness while his uncle got to baptize him. I got some really good pictures. By the way this is just for the sake of a point to say mom you were right everyone learn piano!!! We haven't had a pianist in the ward since Hermana Karrate got transferred and you know its just plain awkward. We had everyone singing on a different verse,it is horrible man I need to go back in time. It was a great baptism and one of our new investigators Franesa came to the baptism. We got a reference to teach Fancesa from the zls anyway he is golden .We played the Joseph Smith video, and the spirit was strong. Franesa was almost crying. His daughter is actually on a mission in Argentina right now so its hard on him but Sabastains entire family was just in tears and it really felt good. That made the week for me. Franesa's daughter on a mission in Argentina gave him a Book of Mormon with her testimony in it . He loves us he took us out to lunch and got pictures with us and is now like best friends with our ward mission leader which is great. We commited him to baptism on the 17th of January. Ok so we had been teaching this kid Miguel and well he wants to get baptized but his mom doesn't want him to so that sucks. Yesterday we went to visit our investigator Herep and he speaks fluent English, like the only one here that knows any English . Anyway well he has been busy lately so we haven't been able to visit him. Well we go to his house and he said hey come in. We gave his mom an English Bible to give to him for Christmas because that's what he said that he wanted, so he was thankful for that. Anyway we started teaching about the Book of Mormon and I got to talk to him in English so that was good. He said does it replace the Bible and I told him read the cover The Book of Mormon another testament of Jesus Christ. I said nothing can replace the Bible but this is simply another witness to the glory of our Savior. Last time we visited him he said he had a question why would Christ only visit Jerusalem and what about everyone else. I brought up that question again and read him a heading in 3rd Nephi ch 11 and he was happy. It was great! I was able to resolve all of his concerns and questions and i gave him a promise to read the Book of Mormon and then get on your knees and ask got if it is true and your heart will burn with joy and you will know that it is true. It was really good to teach in English again. After that lesson my comp said you need to learn spanish faster if you can teach like that haha!! Anyway we will be visiting him again tomorrow so I have a lot prepared for him. Since it is new years I am going to share with you some of my goals
1. Pray every time I enter the house . This will help me continually keep Christ in mind. 2.Complete the Book of Mormon every 3 months. 3 write in my journal everyday 5.smile even when its hard 6. speak fluent Spanish 7. baptize 20 people anyway
Love you all
Elder Atwood
Elder Atwood
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