Elder Canyon Atwood

Monday, December 8, 2014

Week 5

Hey guys so this week was alot better. President Erickson came and talked with me and my companion separately and resolved our issues, he was awesome.  Also, that day he came with me and my comp to all of our appointments so that was awesome. He has a really strong testimony of the Book of Mormon. It was actually published in the Liahona. I read it and he was apparently a convert and on his mission he Read the Book of Mormon 8 times, wow! The guy is truly amazing. Me and my comp our cool now. This week was good we had two investigators that are preparing for baptism this month come to church on Sunday so that was awesome. We actually found a new investigator. He is actually a drunk and he came up to us saying how he wanted to change. So we will be teaching him this Wednesday so that will be interesting. You actually have to be kind of carefull with drunk people. We actually contacted this other drunk guy and  saw him about a week later passed out in the middle of the road.  Anyway, I am making a little progress with the language so that feels good.  It's gonna be a long 6 months to understand the language. Nothing really interesting has happened this week so I thought that for this email that I would share a testimony. Well all lot of people gain their testimony of the church or the book of mormon after they read moronis promise and pray about it and that's great but sadly I wasn't one of those people.  I have felt the atonement of Jesus Christ in my life I have felt his love for me and because of that I believe. I am still working on my testimony of Joseph Smith and of the Book of Mormon. Because I have felt that Atonement of the  Lord I believe! I remember one day for some reason for some purpose I  felt like talking to the Bishop and I remembered not long after my father reading to me Alma 36. I remember getting on my knees that night and crying like Alma did," Jesus thou Son of God have mercy on me". I didnt feel instantly better or instantly forgiven but right then at that moment I knew that I could be forgiven and I knew that this was the true church. I guess what I am trying to say that this is how I know that this is the true church and  that is how I know that everything else is true. For ME the Atonement is my rock, its the foundation of my testimony. I just wanted to share that with everyone for this email.
Love Elder Atwood

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