Elder Canyon Atwood

Monday, December 15, 2014

Week 6

Hey guys, so this is what happened this week. Things are better with my comp so thats great. I have the President to thank for that, he really helped. Anyway,we taught about 31 lessons this week . Most of them are less actives. We also had 2 investigators to come to church. We were supposed to have a baptism this week, a kid named Sebastian. Well, Friday night the day before his baptism he was running and fell on something sharp and had to get 4 freaking stitches!! WOW! But the kid is ok so thats all that matters, although we were a little upset that we had to cancel the baptism but that was all out of our control so we just rescheduled the baptism for I think this Saturday or the next but hopefully things will workout. Last night we actually were trying to find people to teach so we went to this less actives home. Her name was Hermana Juarez she was great. We only wanted to share a quick message about how the gospel blesses families with the scripture Alma 10:11 but she ended up making us hot chocolate and sandwhiches so that was cool. We started talking to her asking her how her prayer and scripture study was.She said that she says prayers daily and reads the scriptures but that she has a difficult time understanding the scriptures.Well I told her the scriptures are actually really hard to understand and that I sometimes don't understand the scriptures. I told her that that is why we have other resources like scriptures with pictures in them and videos made by the church and that by listening to modern day prophets and apostles we can better understand the scriptures. I don't know what happened but I was actually able to understand her, probably because she spake at a normal speed and not lightning fast like a lot of the people here. Anyways,thinhs are going good  and haven't really eaten any strange foods or anything yet. We do have a lot of dogs running around which drives me nuts but oh well.
See ya next week
Love Elder Atwood

What is your apartment like?
My apartment here is actually nice. Unlike most apartments we do have a fridge but no stove or microwave or anything else. We don't really keep anything in there, its actually cheaper to eat out and than it is to go shopping for here at least.  I  don't know about other places but one week we went shopping and spent $80 and felt like we were starving the whole week, and the next week we ate out spent $50 and were full.

Did you get your hot water back?
Yes we did, and I am so happy.

Tell me about teaching this week.
We are mainly teaching lessons 1 2 3 and reviewing them and resolving the concerns of our investigators . It's a little hard since I can't speak Spanish. Things are good with my comp but our teaching methods are so different for example he loves to share a lot of scriptures and there is nothing wrong with that but I like to share pèrsonal experiences and interact more with the investigator.  I'm just waiting for the gift of tongues to kick in so I can teach how I want as well

How are you doing this week?
I'm doing ok.  Me and my comp are all cool now ya we are eating ok. The food is basically three things RICE,chicken, and potatoes, and variations of that.The plate is 90 percent rice so I may never eat rice again after my mission.

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