Elder Canyon Atwood

Monday, December 7, 2015

Hey Texas Whats up I actually started to write in spanish and all but then I remembered that none of you know spanish and that google translate sucks and anyway well everything here is dope I am working hard this week. We actually found a golden investigator her name is Susan not Susana so that a first but ya apparently her friend invited her to church and she well really liked it. She was going to another ward but she lives in our area so the misionaries passed the reference and ya were teaching her and she will be getting baptized this month of December the 12. I am stoked the only problem is her aunt is like anti mormon, we actually first taught her with her aunt and she was like fighting against us the whole time especially when I brought out the book of mormon ( my comp got mad at me for bringing it out ) she started  saying were replacing the bible but her niece was like no they told us they use the bible too . I explained it pretty good I thought and we actually had a returned missionary there with us who was Susans friend who helped a lot- but ya I told her to at least pray but she refused saying I'm not going to pray about what I already know is false . By the way that's how you tell that someone is really hard of heart if they refuse to pray . Anyway Susan came to me at church yesterday and explained how she prayed but didn't get an answer. I explained to her that just because you pray doesn't mean that you will get an answer. It depends on how diligent she is on finding that answer which means diligence in reading praying coming to church and even fasting. Our president of the mission actually did a training on this a couple of months ago and during it he asked which of you have had an investigator who prayed about your message but didn't get an answer it was cool to see about every missionary raise his hand . He then said well from now on you are forbidden to promise people an answer from praying. That kinda shocked all of us. He said  they will receive an answer according to there diligence then he showed us like a lot  of scriptures that teaches just that so I was like dude dope. Now looking back on my personal experience that is so true . I remember in the mission wanting a testimony of the book of mormon like a witness and not just a belief like I had before. I read the book of mormon maybe once before my mission and ya in the mission I was just reading reading praying fasting and getting frustrated because I wasn't receiving an answer but I read it again and again and now I have read it like 4 or 5 times and I have a testimony divine of the spirit that it was true it didn't come to me my first freaking night but after months yes I said months of reading praying and fasting honestly looking for a divine witness . I got it now and I am doing it again - By the way I had an interview with the president this week like we all did and it was DOPE I loved it ok basically his prayer was dope which was weird by the way that he started the prayer usually I start and he finishes. so ya but it was dope like he was saying bless Elder Atwood with all the spiritual gifts needed to preach they gospel and a bunch of other dope stuff but ya for the most part we talked about baptismal potential for December how many I'm going to baptize and how many the sisters in my district are going to baptize he was like cool ok so Elder here's the thing I need you and your district to be the example here in the zone cuz your one of the few missionaries that constantly baptizes so ya anyway I asked him first how I could get a stronger testimony of Joseph Smith and to teach with more power and authority and he told me that I need to memorize scriptures ( he knows I've read the book of mormon a lot)  so ya and then he was like telling me how the spirit will reveal to us what we need to say but only if we give it something to remember and ya he told me how he can quote thousands of scriptures now from the top of his head and I'm just sitting there like man I wanna be like this dude hes cool. So ya then I asked him the main question if I could extend my mission a year and ya he told me no that the mission only lets us extend it 30 days so ya i was like nooooooooooooooo like you sure and he said ya sorry but then he was like but I am happy to see that you have those desires that means your heart is in the right place so ya. and then he said BUT I PROFECY THAT YOU WILL SERVE ANOTHER MISSION  he told me that his mission president told him the same thing so ya I'm stoked but I want to serve while I'm still young so I won't be doing family history when I am old with my bones all weird . I am not giving up on another mission I am currently working on my letter to the first presidency to extend my mission or to put in my papers again . I think they can give me a no saying no you have to go home and get married (president talked about that as well) and I will explain like look guys I am 19 I will be 20 I don't really care about getting married right now so if I go home I can go study and goof off for three years or I can go on another mission . The sons of Mosiah served for 14 years I think I deserve a good 3 or 5 years just saying I'd like to baptize thousands as well and I got like 30 in the water already so like 30 times 5 is like 150 people so I would be happy with that I mean baptizing is dope I love it. Anyway by the way I think I would tell you that yes I have had a comp that I loved remeber Elder Rios we both write each other every single week the dudes awesome anyway I gotta go love y'all


Monday, November 23, 2015

Hola Texas,

So I guess I will be writing in English today.  I don't really know why but last week I just woke up and was like I'm gonna write my family in Spanish today so ya I hope you enjoyed  my letter.  I don't know if y'all understood any of it.  Well this week the sisters and 3 baptisms go down the toilet through no fault of there own but this is what happened.  Cinthia is 12 got scared of getting her head and face wet she still wanted to get baptized but she was crying like crazy and didn't want her head to go under.  I think the hermanas may have said that she has a fear of drowning so I don't really know.  The other two Marlene and Jesus are this couple that have come along way and let me say interviewing them was not fun and well the munipalidad siad they could get married and that all their papers were cool and we even double checked it and ya all good well they went to the wedding in their dress and suit their family was there and just waiting for the best day ever and guess what happened the municipalidad said no and i was like what the heck.  Anyway we have this investigator Gladys that got baptized Saturday morning at 10 am.  Well only 1 member came and it was the bishops dad.  The dud doesn't even have a calling.  I was mad cuz we had been telling the ward about this baptism for a month we announced it in ward council we announced it in sacrament meeting we told people 3 days before the baptism we told people 3 hours before and they all said ya cool I'll be there.  Anyway well Glady;s couldn't get confirmed basically its a long story but what happened was she sells for a living she delivers like this monthly package to this dud and its her monthly income she doesn't make the sell she and her kids don't eat so ya/  She is getting confirmed this week.  We have been teaching this lady Guadalupe and her husband Ugenio they are like in their 80s.  Well the lady is cool and wanted to get baptized but she didn't come to church so later yesterday we go to her house to find out why she didn't go and well she is the first person with a good excuse.  She was her funeral.  I just got a kick thinking what I put in the area book.  Why did you leave the investigator?  She died.  Well me ad my comp have been knocking doors to find new investigators well that is the only way the my comp likes to contact and we have been doing that for 3 weeks like 2 hours a day and the area I'm in is richer and its like gated off so ya we haven't found 1 new investigator.  I told my comp dud were wasting time knocking door.  I told him dud I don't wanna knock 1 more door.  Se we go and we found this lady Magonoly right she is like 40 and is married.  She and her husband are members but have 3 daughters that are 17, 15, and 9 that want to get baptized.  Gotta go
Elder Atwood

Thursday, October 15, 2015

 Hola Texas whats up?  Well I'm here in Peru rocking it up. Well this week was cool and sad. Cool because well I got a new comp but sad cuz I dont have a kid .- Man i really want a kid i don't wanna finish my mission steril .I was talking with a zone leader and he's like just because you said that look your district leader you'll be zone leader you'll be assistant but you will never have a kid. I was like NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I want  a kid soooooooo bad anyway my comp is Elder Mamani he's a cool little dude with 5 months in the mission poor guy has only had 1 baptism his whole mission so far. Well I gave him good news and told him he would baptize a lot with me. Anyway well I am really sad right now I just gave up like 5 hours of my Pday to go get an investigator married, her name is Sandra but the freaking municipalidad is freaking gay.  I was so mad,  they said some dates were missing and needed a signature I was upset.   I am still furious like I was screaming at this little Peruvian but anyway ya fue the good news is the next marriage is in parque de las aguas which I don't know if you guys remember that is where I took a bunch of pictures with like water and get this at night the water changes colors so ya it will be sick but I am sad as cuz I was going to have 7 baptisms this month but ya anyway I will still get like 5 so ya.  I love my new comp Elder Mamani cuz he's like supporting me and is so humble like the dude has only baptized 1 person in his mission so he is like trying to soak everything in that I teach him.,but its only the first week but so far so good . Anyway a funny story that I didn't include the last week was well Elder Romero when he has the work visit with me ya he had the double dragon crapping and throwing up at the same time. I should be more clear as to the geography of my bathroom . Well my shower is right in front of my toilet so when he had diarrhea and threw up he threw up in my shower and  on the floor and well middle of the night I'm a guy and I had to pee so I got up like not even opening my eyes and went to the bathroom to use it and well I just walk in without shoes and I felt something weird wet and chunky under my feet so I open my eyes and turn on the lights and I was standing in this guys puke.  I was mad like what the heck. I went to wake him up and he was sleeping but ya funny story but sooo gross man like ewwwwww.   Well I see River is fat and Ireland is beautiful as usual Ridge and Oakley looking dope still.  Oh I almost forgot I still have one funny story.  Well last week this girl Valerie wrote me, I haven't seen her in like 15 years.   I guess dad was bugging her ( thanks  by the way) Haha well anyway I didn't really recognize her so mom sent me a picture and I was like oh ya cool.  Well my comp was looking on my screen and was like dude she's hot and called about 13 other latinos over to look and I was like dude like chill  and I tried to leave the screen to write family and do the other paperwork and they were all yelling at me and one stole the mouse just to go back and see her picture so ya let her know that if she comes to Peru she will be a big hit haha!  That was funny got a good kick out of that. Well gotta go chow!

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Hola Texas! Whats up?
Well shut up about me only having a year left please I'm working on writing a letter to the prophet to extend my mission a couple years. I'd serve all my life if I could. Well I'm just going to tell you I had a weird week.   I am the District leader right well anyway the hermanas in my district called me on like Wednesday and the were talking fast and I said hey hermanas hermans tranquilo calmate a su machu fue muy raro.  I'm  like girls calm down breathe tell me what the freak happened. Well they explained to me that they had an investigator and that her husband had cancer and was dying and she wanted me to give them a blessing I told them to look for someone in there ward first but they said no we want you to do it. Well anyway the next day we go over with the hermanas to give the blessing.  The hermanas had me explain the blessing of the sick to there investigator.  I just looked at her dying husband and looked at her and I explained some things then I said well I don't promise you that I will heal him but I do promise you that I will do the Lords will. Anyway we go over to the bed of this woman's dying husband and my companion did the anointing and I did the sealing and the blessing. Well I just put my hands on his head and said the obvious words like I seal this anointing, like the mandatory stuff well anyway I just started to think like listen to the spirit cuz when Elder Bednar came he gave a talk on how we only do the Lords will .  I'm thinking and I just said we came here to do the Lords will and that's what we will do in that instant I felt this feeling that he would die but I didn't want to pronounce the man dead in front of his wife and kids so I meditated the words in my mind and the Spirit confirmed that they were true when I said I bless you that you will come to a knowledge of the true Gospel of Jesus Christ and I closed the prayer .  I shared my feelings with my companion after it kinda seemed like he was saying you don't have faith Elder Atwood. I felt good about it. I get a call the next day from the hermanas in my district telling me that only a few hours after I gave the blessing the man died, so that was weird but a spiritual experience. Well I got another chance to use my priesthood later this week. My zone leader Elder Romero came on a work visit with me and things were good then he started feeling sick. We were in the middle of a lesson and I was waiting for him to teach something and well he couldn't he felt like throwing up so we ended the lesson and went to the house.  Apparently he just had diarrhea well he got diarrhea all day so we couldn't do a lot. In the night he went to my bathroom which our shower is like right in front of our toilet .  Right while he was crapping he started vomiting in my shower I was not pleased when I found that out later.  Anyway he was breathing heavy at night and couldn't sleep he just said Elder Atwood I need you to give me a blessing and I asked if he was sure so he said yes please I'm freaking dying . Well I get my oil and do the blessing i just remember saying in the name of CHIST be healed and he was sleeping and SNORING like a baby the rest of the night which made it hard for me to sleep but anyway he was still a little sick the next day but at least he got to sleep. I am still cleaning the bathroom and little mad cuz I didn't take pictures. Anyway well we are working with Sandra and her daughter 10 years old Ariana.   Sandra just has to get married which she will this month so a warning I might be more than missionary broke again if I have to pay for the other wedding 4 day a week ayuno comming up ahaha.  We are also working with Maria and her 9 year old son Daniel.  Maria couldn't come to conference cuz she was sick but Daniel came, it was good.  My comp wasn't to happy about it he kept telling me I don't want to baptize kids.  I told him that I don't baptize kids either, I BAPTIZE FAMILIES !  This week conference was great, all week I was sharing with people Ether 12: 39 which Moroni says something like and I would have you know that I have seen this JESUS and I have talked to him face to face like a man speaketh to another . I testify that we have a profeta hoy en dia que habla con JesuCristo cara a cara yo se es verdad no hay duda . Yo les testifico de esto . We have living prophet that talks with the SON OF GOD JESUS CHRIST FACE TO FACE, is that not just amazing!  Anyway I gotta go just keep on keeping on prayers for improving my Spanish accent would be appreciated CHOW 

Monday, September 28, 2015

Hola Texas ,

What's up?  Well River is freaking benching almost 300 lbs so ya yo fui a su machu molesta me mucho cholo tiene que dejar la gimnasio para darme poquito mas tiempo para ganar mas musculo a su esta pata esta loco . bueno yo voy a escribirles en español esta bien ya bueno babalal haha ya I'll write you guys in english.  Well this week my dog Brandon went off to his mission in cali well he's at the mtc right now so I will here from him soon in the missionary torturing center ahahhaa. This week was decent we have been looking for new investigators like crazy like every contact that we have I have been getting dates to teach all of them but here is the thing about all of them fell threw a su machu molesta me mucho freaking hace me Well we still found a few new people but I don't really see any of them progressing,. Well we have this investigator Sandra right well she has 3 kids one of them is 10.  Sandra is living with her husband and they are going to get married this month so ya were happy about that but the husband we still haven't met the guy and he apparently doesn't want to talk with the missionaries Sandra explained.  He is a catholic that says he's catholic but he's not catholic so ya anyway Sandra and her daughter Arian will get baptized this month if everything goes right. I also asked th secretary of the bishop to print me this sheet called la lista de accion or in english the list of action so ya it has a list of a bunch of pfs like part member families.  I saw like 5 and basically this week we are going to look for every single one of them .  My comp doesn't know them which means the parents and the family are probably less active so that could be good for us as welll so rescue a person anyway well thats the plan . It might be my comps last week here so he's kinda trunky and kinda sick of the area hes telling everyone that he's leaving but I'm going to laugh so hard if he stays and I go but that probably won't happen I'm actually hoping that I will have a kid this change which in mission terms is to train someone and I would just love that! It would kinda give me and opoprtunity to teach someone how to be a missionary and would kinda allow me a little more authority.  Well this week we are going to keep looking for new investigators and try to bring lots of people to conference which will be awesome cuz 3 Apostles of the Lord will be called. I'm sad to hear that Richard G Scott passed away but as we know he's with the Lord now. Anyway gotta go love you all hope yall have a great week
Elder Atwood

Monday, September 14, 2015

Hola Texas whats up . Well this week was awesome! Well we had 2 baptisms Miguel and Corina they are a young couple and it was a great baptism. I had the privelage of baptizing Corina and it was great my comp baptized her husband Miguel. Well I had to wear kind of  a jumpsuit because well I don't know what happened but a couple of months ago at a baptism someone robbed my pants but I think it was just a misunderstanding and maybe they thought it was there pants or the pants of their ward. A lot of members came to the baptism we took some really good pictures so mom get ready. But I don't know if I will have time to send them this week but if I can't next week for sure. I'm still having a little trouble with my companion he likes to play senior companion and well he sometimes critisizes the way that I teach or contact. I told him that he needs to do a couple of things better like he needs to verify during lessons that the investigator understands the points that he just taught cuz I have found that he just gives lectured lessons alot which preach my gospel has taught us not to do. I also told him that he needs to talk less when he contacts he just goes up to people presents himself then he asks if they believe in GOD when they say yes he goes off saying cool so do we we share messages with people about God without the intention to change your religion or anything we just want to talk to people and learn together then he kinda keeps going forgetting simple things like asking ther name! haha I told him the best way to contact is quick simple polite and to the point. Like hey man whats up? hows it going? the person responds good how are you, I say good thanks well excuse the interuption but we just wanted to extend you and invitation , were missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints my name is Elder Atwood whats your name. They say there name I say oh nice to meet you man then I might ask them if they have ever talked with missionaries like us before or if they have ever had the question why are there so many churches or even just simply state that as missionaries we share a message about Jesus Christ with people and how we would love to come and visit them someday and then I get the day and time so ya. But my comp sometimes just invites them to church.  He told me its cuz we need 100 contacts but
I told him the whole purpose of contacting is to find new investigators and that 1000 contact would be worthless if none of them became a new investigator. He didn't really seem to agree and kinda critisized em a bit. So by the way prayers for patience would be appreciated.my comp is a nice guy just has alot of pride so ya. I heard that he is kinda mad that he wasn't district leader this change so that can be why. Anyway dad my normal day is I wake up exercise get ready ect personal study I always read El Libro de Mormon for 30 minutes out lound like president told me to do so ya then I  study preach my gospel and prepare trainings for my district that I give Tuesday mornings. Last week I gave a training about the fourth missionary that the sisters in my district loved and my zone leader loved  but I dont think that my comp liked it very much.  Dad I could use some advice I have been so close to becoming the fourth missionary but I just feel that I'm missing something and I don't know what it is.  I have been fasting and praying but I haven't gotten an answers yet so if you have any advice I would love it.  Anyway I then have comp study then we will teach lessons until 1 then we have lunch 2 to 3 language study which is also our time to crap from the massive rice of a lunch that people give us. Well then we teach and contact until 930 by the way we don't eat dinner so ya cuz were too busy so ya we teach and contact until 930 then I do numbers I have to take nuimbers from the sisters in my district then report them to the zone leaders EVER FREAKING NIGHT!!!!!!!!!I'm loosing time but ya thats my normal day so ya tell me what else you want to know love yall chow
Elder Atwood

Monday, September 7, 2015

Hola Texas
Well this week will be a short message cuz I was sending pictures and everything. Well dad mom everyone I am going to tell you guys an experience that I had about 2 weeks ago. Well when i was leaving my old area in Villa Hermosa some people had kinda going away party for me well people were talking and hugging me the dudes only and all my converts were there. Well If you guys remember Johvanna well her family was there actually it was just her and her 2 kids the other child was away and the father was working. Well the kids went and hugged me the mom didn't tell them I was leaving she actually told them that it was my birthday because she said that she didnt want her kids to cry.. Well Johvanna was talking to me and with tears in her eyes she said I just want to thank you for bringing the gospel into my life and into the life of my family I know this is the true church and I'm so grateful and I will ALWAYS BE IN YOUR DEBT! Then she just went and hugged me really tight  I didn't really say anything but that was a really special moment for me too I'm not going to lie I got a little teary eyed too! SO that was a super special moment for me that I will never forget. Like sometimes as missionaries we feel that we aren't doing anything like we aren't effecting the lives of anyone but it felt really good to know that I at least helped someone . Anyway ya that was super cool . Well this week we are going to have 2 baptisms they are a couple Corina and Miguel. Well the zone leaders seem pretty happy that I'm actually doing something with the area. Apparently the area has only baptized 2 people in the past 6 months so i have to fix it up. I had to talk to my companion he still likes to play senior companion sometimes but its all good anyway. I'm working pretty hard to baptize a lot. Well in my district I have two sister missionaries and well they aren't baptizing anyone so the zone leaders are always on my butt about them. I understand why too and also they are hardly teaching any recent converts so I put a goal for them to teach 10 recent coverts a week minimum  cuz they were only getting about 5 . Well I went on a work visit with the sisters they are teaching like pure old people that are never going to progress cuz well they were born catholic raised catholica and are going to die catholic as quoted so I think they get a little too attached with some of there investigators and are afraid to let them go although that is what they need to do if they don't progress. Anyway I gotta go now but I will write more next week 

Monday, August 31, 2015

Hola Texas whats up? 
Well I got  a change wowoowow!. My new area is Carrabyllo in SAN LUISA which is the flatest area in the mission. There isn't one hill and it's like a rich people area so its hard to contact people cuz you talk and they just keep walking and we can't knock doors cuz there are gates cuz there all apartments and you have to ring the doorbell so its crucial to ask for the phone number of people here or you will never see them again. Well my new companion is Elder Mero he has like 9 months in the mission and well he's cool.  Well as you know I'm district leader with only me my comp and Hermana Bueno and a new gringa Hermana Nielson. Well my comp is cool just has alot of pride. For example he even though I'm the senior comp he doesn't let me talk during lessons and well that gets on my nerves a lot. I also asked him to show me all of the investigators that have been to church,and ya he wouldn't so I had to wait until church to figure out for myself who was who with the help of a member. So ya he kinda got on my nerves in some ways. We didn't have any baptismal dates for anyone but I  got 2 at the end of the week with Miguel and his wife Corina so they will get baptized the 12th of September so ya. We might have one more with this woman named Gladis she has been to church 3 times now and my comp and his last comp haven't even invited her to be baptized so ah su machu that bugs me cuz preach my gospel says to do it the first lesson every time and ya. Well my first meeting the zone leaders just flat out told me saying elder im going to be honest your area sucks! I don't see anything happening there your area has had only 2 baptisms in 6 months which ps is baaaddd. SO that kinda discouraged me cuz I had 15 baptisms in my last area. I'm counting the family that got baptized this Saturday cuz I married them I taught them I did all the work so ya.I just wasn't at the baptism. Well so ya I  have been trying to bust my butt just to find people to teach to find old investigators. I sat my comp down and told him that we will have 5 baptisms this month minimum he thinks its impossible and to be honest he is kinda trunky of this area cuz he has been here for 4 months so that's along time.  Anyway we got to have a conference with David A Bednar of the 12 so that was cool.  Sucked cuz we had to wake up at 3 in the morning but I was awake the whole conference and I felt the spirit and I really learned a lot, he seemed like a great funny guy which made me realize that even Apostles are normal people which was really cool.  He did a question and answer but he didn't get to me so I was a little sad but maybe next time.  That was really a life changing moment that I had.  I don't really have anything left so I love you guys hope you have a good week and I would sure appreciate emails from River Ireland Mom DAD RIDGE Oakley mokely Timber Brandon and JOHN.  Sorry that I don't get time to write you all back I really am but I read them all and it feels really good to get emails from more people with LOTS OF DETAILS and if you can tell me whats happening in ARROW or something I don't care just WRITE ME.

Elder Atwood

Monday, August 17, 2015

Hola Texas 
ok the stupid computer isn't letting me send pictures so sorry but anyway this letter will be short cuz I was talking to Brandon about his mission and things that he needs to take care of to prepare and some warnings. I think he will tell you guys the story later, not mom cuz she will have a heart attack but Dad and River can know. Well anyway I saw a robbing with a gun in broad daylight Saturday morning.  I ran 2 miles with my comp before we slowed down it was kinda freaky.  I will give you more details the next week  Anyway if you guys remember Sister Floor well we were teaching her again cuz she told us too well yesterday her husband came said the same crap he said that they didn't want anything that his wife didn't want anything that ballalal bala l blahahah ya so I told him I think there has been some miscommunication cuz she has been telling us that she wanted to hear that she wanted to be baptized so could you call your wife . I said that kinda yelling then the wife Sister Floor came and the husband asked her did you want them to teach you we then said tell us the truth and we will leave she said yelling I don't want to well she is scared of her husband but he started yelling at us I said  chow and we kinda dusted our shoes off so ya it will be interesting to see what happens to that place but the good thing is right after a family that saw that invited us saying we want to hear the gospel we want to talk to  you guys so well we lost a crappy baptisms but got a family that is amazing and will for sure be getting baptized this next month so i am so happy about that.  Teofilla and Timiteo will probably not be getting married or baptized this month cuz well I guess yesterday Teofila got a call telling her that her grandparents are dying and they want them all there until they pass away so they will be gone for at least 3 weeks so we are sad especially my comp but I have learned here in the mission to let go what is out of my control .  It doesn't really bother me anyway its just the devil trying to depress us but you know what its not going to work its just more motivation anyway Love y'all gotta go
Elder Atwood

Monday, August 10, 2015

Hola Texas 
Well this week was great.  We had Teofila and her kids Valeria (9) Anderson (3) and another who I just forgot his name sorry, as well as Shayla (18) and her mother who has been less active for years.  They are all preparing those of age of course for baptism.   Teofila and her husband are preparing to get married the end of this month then baptized the next day.   Her husband Timoteo and her daughter Yessica (16) can't go to church YET because the family is dirt poor and they have to work and there work demands Sundays so we are looking for other jobs that will enable them to come to church .  
 am working a lot with getting this guy Andres on a mission. He is a convert about 2 years or more as a member and he is great. He has been coming with us all day on visits practically everyday this week and even came to help us with service.  It really makes me think of how the missionaries helped me get on a mission and its been kinda good to repay the favor in a way. I don't really have a whole lot of complaints about my comp.   He's being more obedient and he just doesn't remember to set the alarm.   He controls the phone so he controls the alarm and he barks at me whenever I am on the phone.  I will ask him hey set the alarm or hey did you set the alarm he will tell me yes but I realized that he didn't when I got up one morning at 7:30 to pee and looked at the time and totally freaked out that has happened a few times so I have gotten into the habit of going to sleep waking up in the middle of the night to make sure that he set the alarm . Anyway it's a real big difference for some reason when you get up later than you should you are more tired than if you got up on time.   So I am kinda looking forward to this next change for a different comp and I have heard that I will be district leader or training so I will have a lot more say in what we do as companions but I don't know if not I will just work hard and do my best with the new comp  hopefully a new area.   I don't want to be here and train for another 3 months if that happens I will have served 9 months in one area and I do not want that but what happens happens the Lord knows best. The language is alot better. I am working on that grammer book as much as I can, problem is my comp doesn't like to have language study so I just study early in the morning and at night if I have time he tells me all the time the secret is to not talk any english but I'm like no the secret is to actually study because how can I say the new words and apply the new grammer if I don't even know the grammer .  Anyway life is good.  I am working hard and decided to put a goal on baptisms for the end of my mission.  I decided that if i keep baptizing at this rate at the end of my mission I could have a good 70 baptisms but I needed a better goal so I decided to put the Goal for 100 baptism and my goal is for all of them to be active at the end of my mission. So far so well all 15 of mine are active and I will have 8 more this month if all goes right.   Numbers don['t matter it's just motivation for me to work hard.  I gotta head out yall love yall
Elder Atwood

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Hola Texas
¿Como estan? Bueño este semana ha sido un buen semana. Tenemos 5 fechas por bautismo ahora. Si usteds recuerdan hermana flor la chica con su esposo que quiso a matarnos fue loco pero tengo un historia chevery entonces todo esta bien. . Well this week was good. I thought I would write in a little spanish to give yall some kicks but I realized I only have like 10 minutes left cuz my comp made us late to internet, he woke up late and showered long but oh well I'm not going to get on to him hard cuz its p day and he didn't sleep well. If you guys remember Sister Floor well we were walking and she passed us and said hey what happened we were waiting for you guys for our baptism on the 25th.  We were shocked, so ya we are teaching them again with permission from the zone leaders but I still dont feel good about it.  We found a part member family name familia Luna. The mother is a member but no one else and has been less active for years.  We found their house and the mother and her 18 year old daughter Shayla both came to church and the members were great and I think the mother really realized how much she missed going to church and Shayla instantly made like 30 friends which was perfect cuz she is preparing for baptism .  We have been teaching this woman Teofila, her kids.  Her husband works most days so it's hard to teach with him so we teach outside cuz we can't enter there house or anything but it was so cool the family accepted to get married and then baptized which is about 5 people right there. Then Teofila gave us a reference to teach her parents who live right above them, I say above cuz in Peru here they all live in hills . They accepted to be married and baptized along with Teofilla.  It kinda shocked me that they weren't married but had like 5 kids and were like 60 years old but the families can't afford to get married because part it's really expensive and well they are poor as dirt.  So we are pretty psyched about the potential baptisms that we have. By the way for missionaries you will have goals for baptisms every month but once you get baptism dates for that month get more for the next month cuz one month you might have 0 but if you set youself up well the next month you can have 10 for example we only have about 5 people that will get baptized this month but we have about 15 potential baptism for the next month.  The only problem is some of them fall through but still you have to learn to think not just about the present but about the future. Anyway on another note my comp had a work visit with the zone leader and I was with the other zone leader in his area and ya it was all good but in like the middle of the night I woke up and but ran to the bathroom and had diariah for like an hour then I went back to bed then like 10 min later I got up and just threw up and the same repeated the next day. I'm confused on how I got sick actually, I didn't drink or eat anything bad and I felt great the whole day but oh well my comp was real good to me when I was sick but it sucked cuz I couldn't work as hard as I wanted to oh well part of life I guess. Anyway who tried  my picture of Christ idea?  Its not just to help people resist temptation its to help your minds be more Christ centered. Often times we lose focus on the things that really matter that is eternal life right. Well because of Christ we Can have eternal life.  It doesn't mean that we will but that we CAN so Dad, Mom, River, Ireland, Ridge, Oakley Mokely and everyone try that this week please and I promise you that you will feel something different.  I am going to try to do that for the rest of my life. I love it  makes me just think of how much I love Christ and if there is one thing that I would like to share with you guys now its that I know HE lives! I know that Jesus Christ the Son of God lives. I know that He is my Redeemer and that He suffered for my sins and the sins of all mankind.  He Lives just think about that, He literaly LIVES .  I know it with all my heart. 
Have a good week everyone !!
Elder Atwood

Monday, July 20, 2015

Hola Texas!!  Well this week was dope,  I didn't get a transfer .I'm stuck in the same area with the same companion but its all good, I talked to the pres and my comps being obedient. Well some news for what happened this week. My comp and Elder Rosa our zone leader latino  were doing marrage papers in a different part of the mission so I was with the 2 gringo zone leaders Elder Nielson and Elder Pond. By the way Erick and Jovahnna are getting married  this Friday and Saturday they are getting baptized so we are extremely happy for that. Well I told the zone leaders that I had an important lesson with Sister Flor and her two daughters Emily and Josiline at 6 and that we needed to go. They agreed and we went. A little about that family,  Sister Flor is a single mother and the father has like 5 other families and he just comes every once in  awhile to give her money for the month and all. Well the family was progressing and they were going to get baptized this next week.  We went to visit her and before I got to there house I saw a man sitting outside.  I've never seen the dude before in my life so I didn't think anything about it. Well we walked up and this dude just started yelling at us saying I don't need you here, get out leave and we were like dude who are you.  He told us that he was the boyfriend or whatever it also means husband in spanish so ya. Well he said that we were forcing them in our religion and scaming them and all sorts of crap.  We kept trying to talk to him and he just wouldn't let us  and kept yelling mother f+++++++ so that made me mad.  I was about to go beat the crap out of this guy until the dude said go or I'm going ot kill you then I really wanted to beat that guy up considering I am bigger ,younger, and alot taller that the dude.  I think I could have settled it pretty easily. Well my zone leaders wouldn't let me but this dude just said I'm going to kill you if you dont leave right now I'm going to get my gun so he left to get his gun and so we left and the zone leaders told us that we can never go back to that house .  So ya we are really sad because we just lost 3 baptisms for this month but oh well the Lord knows best. Anyway I hear that the family is in Canada right now so I will send some thanks to Papa and Grandma for the package it was great and really cheered me up on a rainy day. Yep missionaries have rainy days.Well a little advice for Trayden who is preparing for a mission. Dude chill out laugh dont be so serious my zone leader gave me that advice a while ago. I realized its true. Take some time to enjoy the little things sometimes we get so rushed in the day and with the things that we have to do that we forget to enjoy the moment take some time to just experience the moment man .Now im not saying be lazy or anything im saying that enjoy yourself 2 years can be a long time right? Well you can just suck it up for 2 years in misery and pain or you can be happy laugh chill . Ya you will have hard times but dont let them rain on your parade as Brother Bowcutt said. In my experience and from my testimony God wants us to feel happy he is the source of happinese while satan is the source of all pain and misery.its Ok to be sad and you will be sad just remember what your doing is the best possible thing in the World it is the Lords Work . I am happy to be apart of it. Anyway there are certain things that i want to do in this email one is say sorry to papa and grandma for how weird ,rude, and stubborn I was and also a little lo siento out to everyone. Well I have learned alot from all my grandparents Papa and Grandma Atwood and Papa and Gramdma Stewart. Well I am truly honored to be your grandson . I could never have asked God for anyone better. I truly believe that before this life I personlly asked and begged God for my grandparents and for my wonderful Parents as well as for my brothers and my sister,. Well I love you guys with all my heart and as much as I would love to see you guys.I can't not until I finish my work cuz I know this is the Lords work. I know without a doubt in my heart that the Book of Mormon is the word of God  and that Jesus Christ is the head of this church. I have recieved revelation after revelation telling me that its true and I cannot deny it! I have learned on my mission what kind of woman I want to marry how I'm going to raise my kids how I want to respect my parents and my grandparents after my mission. I have learned how to study how to work hard and to suck it up. haha Well I can't tell you how grateful I am to be a missionary and serve the Lord. Well before I forget there is something that I would like to share . Well missionaries do get tempted alot actually .I have found that I try to be a kid again and for example Imight check out a girl or something I did that for a while then I realized that it was wrong as a missionary. So one thing that I have been doing is I  keep a pocket sized picture of Jesus Christ in my pocket and whenever I have a bad thought or I get off centered or lose focus I just reach into my pocket and look at my Savior and the thoughts just go away. It works every time and it is somehting that I also do when I'm angry sad or just lonely then Ifeel my Saviors love. Well I would challenge you all to try that this week and see how it works.  I love it,  it has alowed my mind and heart to be more Christ centered and I feel more Christ centered.  Do that and tell me what happenes. I have to go right now but I know with all my heart that this is true and that Joseph Smith was a Prophet of God this is the Lords church and I am happy to serve him ,I  love you all and hope you have a Christ centered week .
ELder Atwood

Monday, July 6, 2015

Hey  guys well I will give you an update of this week. We have been working super hard with this single mother and her children this week, sadly her 5 year oldest child Brian slipped and fell about 3 meters and cut his face pretty and now he has 5 stitches. Peruvians all live in hills, in really steep hills. I'm trying to get the time to send you guys some pictures of what I mean but it's hard cuz I have no time. Anyway he went out to pee in the middle of the night and he slipped and fell.  We tried to visit them everyday but they were only at there house twice so we have been worried for them . Well last week we were late to church cuz when we went to get them they told us that they had to eat breakfast first so we were really late cuz she had to prepare breakfast as well. So yesterday we brought them breakfast and were like hey ready for church we got breakfast.  So we brought them like the peruvian sandwiches that they like to eat for breakfast with yogurt and juice. I was mad cuz it was expensive cuz well missionaries were kinda poor but I payed for it and brought the food and they said they couldn't come.  Anyway we have 6 baptismal dates this month and we found 2 more people that will get baptized if not this month the next.  I'm stressing on the next month because they haven't come to church yet and I feel they need more time to get a stronger testimony . By the way future missionaries there is nothing wrong about waiting to baptize someone . Just because you can baptize them doesn't mean you should.  It actually says that in preach my gospel .I am kinda mad at some of the people that were baptized before I was here. One of them Jorge is still drinking and stuff, I don't know how he got baptized, another recent convert of missionaries before me is Jerson . Jerson thinks he is a Prophet. He doesn't believe in the physical death and has a lot of crap that just makes me mad but whatever. A missionary told me that I am just baptizing women and children . I told him since I have been here I have baptized 4 or 5 grown men that all attend church that have temple recommends and have the Melchizedek priesthood. By the way my convert in my first area Franswa is now the Ward Mission Leader there and in 6 months will be getting his endownments in the temple!  Get this if we get 4 more worthy priestood holders that pay there tithing the branch will become a ward . It was 8 or 9 but I gave them 4 or 5 so ya and I am also looking for less actives to get the preistood and be reactivated and pay tithing as well as 2 investigators that are men that will progress soon and get baptized the next month and get the priestood and so on.  My companion is sosooooo truncky this week, he looked at pictures of his girlfriend like everyday.  By the way bad idea to leave on a mission with a girl waiting, I have seen so many missionaries go home because of it and become lazy cuz all they can think about is there girl. Anyway Johvanna still gets on my nerves her husband actually has told me that he is sorry for the rudeness of his wife . We actually went this wednesday to the birthday of her daughter Danielle.  Johvanna chewed me out because we were like 20 minute late but when she saw my comp with the cake she told me why can't you be more like your comp he broght a cake. I said actually I did I payed for it I'm just carrying the bags and the chairs for your daughters party. So was kinda silent and her daughter who turned 8 that day ran up to me and gave me a big hug and said thanks. She is soo cute she made my day anyway this week was good but hopefully this next one will be alot better anyway love yall

Elder Atwood

Monday, June 29, 2015

Hola Texas whats up? Well this week was really cool. I got a new companion his name is Elder Barrenechea he's from Bolivia  is 19 about 20 years old and he is great so far. Elder Condori got a transfer and became a zone leader in a trio which is really rare but really cool. Hes actualy right by my area so he can come to the baptism of Erick and Jovanna they are really exited for there wedding there 26th this month and so am i they will be baptised the next day actually the 27th so we are really exited. Well they wanted him to baptise them so its all good i am really happy for them. They are actually beginning to give us references and invite there friends to church so we are probly going to be working with alot of new people this month. My new comp and i have been putting an extreme focus on families trying to contact every family i see. Hes really good at it and is truly quick to gain peoples trust and confidence which is truly aa blessing since i was scared that my families wouldnt like my new companion. I heard rumores that he is lazy has a past but well regardless to those rumores he is working hard with me so far so ya. Well we got to marry a family or actually a couple in our branch the woman is a member and her boyfriend who we still havnt met the womans name is jahira she is the daughter of mami chela the woman that i skyped you guys. she is amazing she is actually separated with her first husband i think and her boyfriend is like a father to the kids and all from what iv heard so we hope to marry them this month as well and baptise her boyfriend . she is already baptised so yaa. Well we as missionaries in peru since there is alot and i mean alot of law of chastitiy violation are experts at mariage. well anyway we are trying to help a recent convert in our branch named jorge get the priestood. He has a little problem with drinking. People here drink like crazy by the way. He doesnt drink during the week cuz hes so bussy it just on saturday where his friends go to his house to drink i still dont know why they want to drink in his house its horrible. I am considering calling the cops on his friends since one of them was walking around with like a pound of coke in his back pocket the other day. Oh well i might just go all bruce lee on them if i get the chance. Well anyway for the funny part of the letter. Well friday or saturday me and my comp just finish teaching a lesson and a bunch of kids about 4 or 7 kids ran up to us and asked me [Where are you from?] i said united states, And they smiled and just ran away sreaming yelling GUYS GUYS LOOK LOOK ITS THE GRINGO FROM ONE DIRECTION!!!

I was like what my comp just bursts out laughing and i shout NO NO IM NOT NOT FROM ENGLAND !!!
well long story short i had alot of people look at me laughing so if you hear anything about one direction visisting peru this week there is a possibility its was me. so ya that was weird. Ok well another cool experience. Well tuesday morning while me and Elder Condori were about to leave for changes i am still in the same area btw. Well a buch of Jehova witnesses knocked on our door i was so happy. Well they tried teaching us. Then i started teaching them . They said Jehova is the father of Jesus Christ. And went off trying to argue. I just calmy said. Cuz they were yelling at me. OK Ok so Jesus is his son. and they said yes yes exactly and i started lessson 1. i said well Jesus called 12 apostles right. and they agread. then i said then Jesus acted as a prophet and organized a church they again agreed . then i asked them does your church have a prophet and 12 apostles they loooked at each other and told me No . Then i responded THEN YOU ARE NOT THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST!! Please take in mind that they were screaming at me then one of them said reading the scripture in mathew 7 but mathew says that there will be many false prophets. i asked him to read the next verse which says by there fruits you will know them!!! dun dun dunnnnn . Then i magically pulled out a Book of Mormon and since they were screaming at me about Joseph Smith the whole time. I then said THIS IS THE FRUIT OF JOSEPH SMITH.  I invited them to read it and then pray about it , and i promised them saying I PROMISE YOU IN THE NAME OF CHRIST THAT IF YOU READ THIS BOOK AND PRAY ABOUT IT YOU WILL KNOW THAT THIS IS THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST. 
Well what was cool is one of them was about to take it but the other one like slaped his hand and started yelling at me then they left. I felt real sincerity in the one that was about to take the Book . Well i wanted to share that with you guys please dont think i was bible bashing or anything but the point is this. It did alot for my testimony. latter while we were in the taxi driving to the changes i just felt so sure about this church about the Book of Mormon about everything. The Point is this if you want to have a stronger testimony share it with someone. It was trulyo memorable moment for me. and by the way people when i said prove them wrong using the bible i was trying to say prove me right by using the bible. I really like to do that. anyway please dont think i was yelling or bible bashing cuz i am really not that type of person . I just strongly shared my testimony and encourage all of you to do the same. 
Love you all 
Elder Atwood

Monday, June 22, 2015

Hey guys how's it going? Well first off this week was really good especially yesterday becasue we got to watch the dedication of the Trujillo Peru Temple on video at the stake center. It was truly a spiritual experience and I will never forget it. I am so grateful for that wonderful opportunity.   Elder David Bednar and Elder Uchtdorf came to the temple to dedicate it.  Well this week kinda sucked in the fact that satan is working hard with us. What happened is we had the wedding for my family Jovanna and Erick planned this week Friday actually. Well I think Wednesday we got a call saying that one of there papers didnt go through and the municipal thinks it is fake and so we asked what is the solution and they told us there is none and that we will have to get them married this next month. So we were insanely sad we have been visiting this family about everyday preparing them for baptism and stuff. Well my comp used some of his contacts and there might be a solution but still there is a 99 percent chance that they won't be getting married this month. Also immediately after the video of the dedication of the Trujillo Temple we recieved a call from a member in our ward about one of our investigators whose name is Rosa . Rosa is married to Jorge and Jorge and the kids are members . The kids are great but Jorge is a drunk.  He is the convert of my old companion Elder Condori. Before I was with Elder Condori he was teaching Jorge and Rosa and baptized Jorge and the kids. Well Jorge never quit drinking which brings up the question of how the heck he was baptized!! I swear some missionaries just want another number. Well anyway the member said that Jorge had been drinking and went crazy (that's what happenes when you drink btw) Well and he started breaking stuff and trying to hit his wife and his wife didn't want to get baptized anymore so we went over there for like an hour and well we were relieved to find her without bruses or anything. Apparrently she used a broom to defent herself. Anyway well we talked to her and she said she still wants to get baptized but she was just mad about her husband. Anyway so we took her to an activity where we watched Meet the Mormons and then took her home. We talked to the president of the rama and told him what happend. Apparently Jorge may have lied and told the president that he hasn't drank in a while and may have optained a temple recomend SO I am going to talk insanely hard with Jorge this week, ohhh he's going to regret lying to my face. Anyway we also have this recent converts brother and Sister Cañote, well Sister Cañote has tried to kill her husband about 3 times since I've been here.   She tried to stab him with a knife which he blocked with his arm then had to go to get stitches in the hopital. Anyway with me and elder Rios we fixed everything and they were doing good for about 6 weeks Elder Rios died ( finished his mission) and I started teaching them with Elder Condori.  They were doing great and where taking classes to get sealed in the temple then 3 days later she with her mother who hates Brother Cañote because he is mormon and she is catholic, Sister Cañote is mormon too so I dont really understand her logic. Anyway, Sister Cañote, her mother, and her son who is about 17 jumped Brother Cañote beat him with rocks on his head staped his feet and legs with sticks and just almost killed him. That happend about 6 weeks ago. Well they separated for a while and we were helping Brother Cañote and all well one day his wife comes and ( has relations with him). He told us that and that he felt bad.What was going on in my head was ( well they had relations but thats ok because there married but she just tried to kill him then she comes over so I don't understand) Well anyway they got back together and my comp wants to teach them I refuse to teach them. We as missionaries are not allowed to teach divorce but I think thats what needs to happen.  The branch president has told us this has been this way for about a year. she has probly almost killed him about 10 times then. Well anyway thats a lot of drama and I refuse to teach them just because I know how its going to end. 
Also if any of you have ever wondered the Lord does have a sense of humor!!!  Ok so this is my story. I was teaching on a work visit and in the middle of talking with this lady she  just starts feeding her baby for like freaking 10 minutes !! Well after she fed the 12 year old she just left it hanging out for like 3 minutes. After the lesson I told Elder Nielson hey man I know God has a sense of Humor! He laughs and says why you say that. I said you won't believe this but I swear Ive seen so many breasts I think He's turning me Gay! he laughed, I said man I'm serious. 
I NO LONGER LIKE GIRLS!!  But I dont really like guys so I don't know what's going to happen with me. I'm going to have to clone my self and raise a minime as my child ( you will understand if youv seen AUSTEN POWERS)
Ridge I know iIwas always a little bit of a jerk to you man but I really want you to know that I love you. You got 12 times more brains than I do and will definantly be the billionaire of the family ,man your so smart that I wont be suprised if for your mission you go to Korea, China, and Japan, ya 3 countries and 3 of the hardest languages. Ridge you are also athletic mom would tell me that you got the long legs and strides of a cross country runner and dad always tells me you new pullup record. Your probly at like 30 by now, your getting ripped and I'm getting fat haha!!I really miss kicking your butt in COD every day!  Man Ridge you are amazing I am truly proud to have you as a brother.
Also as yesturday was fathers day I want ot talk about my father.
Dad I dont know if I have ever told you this but I have always looked up to you. You are an amazing basketabll player, got a sense of humor,  ripped to shreds, speak French, and always as busy as you were you always made time for me I really appreciate that dad. One day I hope to be half the husband and father that you are. I am so proud to have you as my dad and consider it a privilige to have your name on my plaque right next to the name of the saviour. Dad you are the most Christlike person that I have ever known, I have always tried to be like you and have always fallen a little short but dad I want to thank you for setting the example for me to serve a mission to serve the Lord and I thank you for helping me through my challeges and my struggles, thanks dad . I am honored to be called your son!!
Elder Atwood

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Hola Texas whats up? Well this week was really cool. I got a new companion his name is Elder Barrenechea  and he is from Bolivia.  He is 19 about 20 years old and he is great so far. Elder Condori got a transfered and became a zone leader in a trio which is really rare but really cool. He's actually right by my area so he can come to the baptism of Erick and Jovanna.   They are really excited for their wedding on 26th this month and so am I.   They will be baptized the next day on the 27th so we are really excited.   They wanted him to baptize them so it's all good and I am really happy for them. They are actually beginning to give us references and invite there friends to church so we are probably going to be working with a lot of new people this month. My new comp and I have been putting an extreme focus on families and trying to contact every family we see. He's really good at it and is quick to gain peoples trust and confidence which is truly a blessing since I was scared that my families wouldn't like my new companion. I heard rumors that he is lazy and has a past but well regardless to those rumors he is working hard with me so far.  Well we get to marry a family or actually a couple in our branch.   The woman is a member and her boyfriend who we still haven't met.  The womans name is Jahira, she is the daughter of Mami Chela, the woman that I skyped you guys.  She is amazing and she is actually is separated with her first husband and her boyfriend is like a father to the kids and we hope to marry them this month as well and baptize her boyfriend .   She is already baptized .   We are trying to help a recent convert in our branch named Jorge get the priesthood. He has a little problem with drinking. People here drink like crazy by the way. He doesn't drink during the week cuz hes so busy, it just on Saturday when his friends go to his house to drink.  I still don't know why they want to drink in his house its horrible. I am considering calling the cops on his friends since one of them was walking around with like a pound of coke in his back pocket the other day. Oh well I might just go all Bruce Lee on them if I get the chance. Well anyway for the funny part of the letter Friday or Saturday me and my comp just finished teaching a lesson and a bunch of kids about 4 or 7 kids ran up to us and asked me [Where are you from?] I said,"United States"!  They smiled and just ran away screaming yelling GUYS, GUYS, LOOK LOOK ITS THE GRINGO FROM ONE DIRECTION!!!  My comp just bursts out laughing and I shout NO NO I'M NOT NOT FROM ENGLAND !!!  MY HAIR IS NOT THAT POOFYY!!  Long story short I had a lot of people look at me laughing so if you hear anything about one direction visiting Peru this week there is a possibility it was me.  Ok well another cool experience. Well Tuesday morning while me and Elder Condori were about to leave for changes I am still in the same area btw. A bunch of Jehova Witnesses knocked on our door, I was so happy. Well they tried teaching us. Then I started teaching them . They said Jehova is the father of Jesus Christ and then they went off trying to argue. I just calmy said, because they were yelling at me,  so Jesus is his son and they said yes yes exactly and I started lessson 1. I said well Jesus called 12 apostles right and they agreed. Then I said then Jesus acted as a prophet and organized a church they again agreed . Then I asked them does your church have a prophet and 12 apostles? They looked at each other and told me,  no . Then I responded, THEN YOU ARE NOT THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST!! Please take in mind that they were screaming at me then one of them said reading the scripture in mathew 7 but mathew says that there will be many false prophets. I asked him to read the next verse which says by there fruits you will know them!!! dun dun dunnnnn . Then I magically pulled out a Book of Mormon and since they were screaming at me about Joseph Smith the whole time. I then said THIS IS THE FRUIT OF JOSEPH SMITH.  I invited them to read it and then pray about it , and I promised them saying I PROMISE YOU IN THE NAME OF CHRIST THAT IF YOU READ THIS BOOK AND PRAY ABOUT IT YOU WILL KNOW THAT THIS IS THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST. 
It was cool and one of them was about to take it but the other one slapped his hand and started yelling at me then they left. I felt real sincerity in the one that was about to take the Book . Well I wanted to share that with you guys please don't think I was bible bashing or anything but the point is this. It did a lot for my testimony.Later while we were in the taxi driving to the changes I just felt so sure about this church about the Book of Mormon about everything. The point is this if you want to have a stronger testimony share it with someone. It was truly a memorable moment for me. By the way people when I said prove them wrong using the bible I was trying to say prove me right by using the bible. I really like to do that. Please don't think I was yelling or bible bashing cuz I am really not that type of person . I just strongly shared my testimony and encourage all of you to do the same. 
Love you all 
Elder Atwood

Monday, June 1, 2015

Hola Texas! Well this week has been great. I'm actually kinda nervous today because we have cambios changes tomorrow and we get notified today. I really don't like that because we only have like 1 day to prepare which kinda sucks cuz there is somuch to do saying goodbye to investigators, converts, and  friends that live in the area and not to mention the extreme packing. Oh well . So for news we have been teaching this couple Erick and Johvana and there family  total of 5 people .  They agreed to baptism but they just have to get married and they already have there papers in so we are psyched about that. They are amazing and I love the daughter , her name is Danielle.  She is 7 year old and she has read the Book of Mormon everyday, aw man I wish she was 8.  By the time she is 8 years old her dad will be able to baptize her so that's even better. They are an amazing family, I really love them . Young men remember this you will have times you want to go home GUARANTEED . You may hate the food, the weather, your bed, but if you find a family that you love, well it makes everything better. Well ya life is good. Spanish sucks but it's improving. I am definantely learning a lot from the scriptures. I find I teach a lot from the bible since the people here think they know their bible good so I have had to prove them wrong. It kinda gets on my nerves that people just don't know that our church is true if you really read the bible its all there. Anyway I have had a great week just hard with the cash here.  I'm taking  a bus about 7 to 10 times a day, that's how big my area is.  
 P.S.  Tell Oakley to google motortaxi Peru that should be  the type of thing I take but that's not what I'm referring to as buses.  I just thought it would interest him a bit. Anyway, I really love it here,  it's amazing and I have learned to rely on the Lord more than ever.  I love you all, I got to bounce.
Elder Atwood