Elder Canyon Atwood

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Hola Texas!  Well this week was mas o menos well me and my comp were not to good with the 40 day fast this week it's really hard I'm trying to keep him going but its hard like when it's just the two of us he's alright but when he's in a group of missionaries he tries to look cool like the other day I'm like hey can you come with me to the bathroom please , the bathrooms on the other side of the building and we can't be alone as misisonaries, and he's like why you can't go alone you need someone to hold your ..... so ya I was like dude chill out and I finally get him to go and he's like ya I'll wait outside of the bathroom and I'm cool with that but when I go out he's not even there and I had to call the other missionaries to come get me so I had a companion but ya just things like that I've almost punched him in the face like I'm patient I've learned to not make a fuss of everything but it's just things like that that really frustrate me I'm like dude I mean I'm trying to help him but ya I can only do so much ahah!! Oh well anyway my friend 
Elder Dority is still trying to get me to cancel my extension ahaha he's just joking though well were going to baptize Allison and Manuel this Saturday which excites me.  This guy Manuel wants to be a misisonary he's 24 and we taught his family like sister brothers this week and it was so amazing to see him bare testimony of the church and of the Book of Mormon. We're hoping that he can baptize his family this next month but ya before I forget they were all about to go to church but the daughter who is a year old of his sister got real sick and had to run to the hospital the last minute but oh well also we had to teach Allison last night to get her ready for baptism she didn't feel completely ready so we talked about our first invitacion was to read the Book of Mormon and ask God if it is true she said that she has and she hasn't gotten an answer so we basically just helped her recognize her answer then we had to answer her doubts about the law of chastity she is basically afraid that she is never going to get married and then she is going to die a virgen which is a forgive me but stupid idea and I shared with her alma 42 29 which is great by the way.  Well anyway I'm putting a goal to try to be more positive which is hard cuz I am very direct like its scaring me a bit like the other day we were teaching this lady the law of chastity and I made them cry haha but they are getting baptized so its all good but like in an interview I've done like about ooooooooohhhhhhhhhh a year ago I had to interview this girl that was 14 and she had problems with the law of chastity I made her confess to her parents be clean for a month then break up with her boyfriend and pass another interview with me she didn't want to do it but I said ok then you cant get baptized  but ya it's gonna be scary when I get home. Like I've even made some missionaries cry , so Ireland your dates better watch out haha well its all starting to hit in like im scared I dont think I remember how to kiss a girl or even ask one out on a date like it could be bad like ok so do you commit ( i think its commit in spanish its entonces usted se compromete) to comming on a date with me this friday? no ... que es lo que le impide? that would be what keeps you from it? your ugly..... if it wasnt for that would you go out with me haha ? my dates are going to be like institutes and Book of Mormon studies or something hahaa!!! I don' t know but I'm not going to put much focus on that but I do have some good goals for when I get home. I want to read the Book of Mormon out loud 15 minutes everyday , pray out loud in spanish everyday, pay my tithing, always fast often, and go out with the missionaries at least twice a month. Also some temporal goals are to find a good job, never work Sundays, never go in debt, and improve Spanish, and learn to sing in Spanish like that would be cool, but ya those are some good temporal goals I dont know if I'll study right away but ya 
Later Texas

Monday, August 15, 2016

Hola Texas whats up well I don't know how to tell yall how i feel but I am feeling alot better this week and I'll tell you why first well theses last couple of weeks have been hard for me cuz my comp is super disanimated and just didn't want to do anything. Well then last week just looking for comfort i read this talk about this 40 day fast to purify yourselft long story short you do a fast and in the spirit of prayer and fasting you make a list of all the things that interupt the spirit then when you have your list you promise the Lord to abstain from those things on the list for 40 days apparently at the beginning its really hard and the temptation in intense like never before but at the end of the 40 days you have no desire to do anything on the list and you feel the spirit very strong so i talked to my comp about it and well he agreed to do it so well these are some of the things on my list: not check our girls, not be negative, don't say anything bad about anyone so ya most of it is mental but its hard like hard I felt wicked tempted but I did my best to do lo puedo en Cristo que me fortalezca.  I am going to keep on with this but I noticed a great difference in the spirit this week.  I told presidnet the last week about my troubles and asked him how I can strengthen my faith in Christ to bring forth miracles cuz he's talking a lot about miracles and well he said that I need to keep track of the small miracles and thanking the Lord for them and obeying the law of sacrifice so he said I was looking for a hard week and that is exactly what I got we only had 17 lessons which compared to the 32 we have normaly but wow appointments just fell and fell like crazy so we just went contacting and contacting but nothing no one wanted to listen but we took out a baptismal date with Allison and Manuel who will both get baptized this 27th. Then  an old investigator Diana came to church so there is hope for her again but when we were ending church the first councilor called us and there was this lady Maribel in a room in the church and he told us that he was outside of the church talking on the phone and she came up to him crying like crazy looking for help we talked to her and she said that she had commited an abortion about 3 days ago and she felt so bad she felt like an assasin she said and how when she was cleaning herself down low something small came out and she looked in her hand and it was her baby that she killed and how it was formed and everything so ya basically we taught her right there and then telling her how what she did was the most grave of sins but she may be able to recieve forgivness if she repents and is baptized we didn't put a date cuz that depends on an interview that she would have to have in the future with you cuz I know repentance from an abortion can take a while so ya but then when we were like wow! What a blessing this guy Lucho gives us a reference to teach his family so we had like 5 new investigators only two actually live there but I understand that the rest live in Provincia and but they may be here for a couple of months so if so we may be able to baptize him haha well ya I mean it was a hard week but the Lord really blessed us for trying
I really saw tons of blessings this week and I am so stoked for the experiences that I have had and the best part is my comp is a little more excited about the work and I hope that these experiences can change his mission. 

Monday, August 8, 2016

Hey Whats up Texas? How can I put it I am not trunky at all I do not want to go home at all I feel that there is so much that I still need to do for others as well as for myself. I feel like I haven't changed as I should have but oh well these twelve weeks I really want to give it my all and as my comp is a good guy but has 6 months in the area he is really disanimated like depressed. I love him but it's hard on me cuz he just doesn't care like the other day he told me I'm here for two years that's it thats all I'm here for to go on a mision and go home saying how he doesn't care about baptisms or anything that kinda just makes me mad cuz he just wants to waste time in the house or in the houses of members and ya its really stressing me out cuz I feel like its been this way my whole mission I'm ready to work and I have a companion that's holding me back , don't get me wrong I'm not saying that I am the best misisionary and I am sure I have held back some missionaries but man it just makes me sad I work my butt off and they just don't care oh well I'm in kind of a depressed state so ya sorry but I will talk about somehting very cool.  I have been studying more about seeing Christ face to face and I have seen in D&C 93:1 88:68 also some other scriptures such as the John 14 about the otro consolador and in la guia de escrituras it talks about two comfortors the first is the espiritu santo el otro es JesuCristo mismo and that when a man recieves the second comfortor that Christ may appear to him from time to time to instruct him. and may even present him to the father. I have also learned from a quote by Bruce R Mckonky El élder Bruce R. McConkie escribió que la
promesa de ver el rostro de Dios puede tener
cumplimiento en esta vida: "Tenemos el poder y el
privilegio de que, al llegar a ser limpios de corazón, veamos
la faz de Dios aun mientras vivamos en este mundo de
pecado y tristeza 

The translation is  that the promise to see the face of God can be completed in this life ( we have the power and the privilege that becoming clean in heart we see the face of God even while we live in this world of sin and sadness
but ya I have also learned from my studies that the temple was built for the purpose of seeing the Lord face to face in the Celestial room,
So that's something intersting,  also I have really been trying to pray as Moroni 7 says with all energy of heart.  I'm trying but I feel like I'm missing something. I'm trying to ask what the spirti would have me ask 3 Nephi 18 24 but ya  its hard I'm trying to be more sensative to the promptings of the Holy Ghost trying to discern those promoptings but ya anyway well also I am just trying to pray to have more faith and charity and to become pure in heart. I have found the same answer ...keep´the commandments,pray, fast, read the scriputres, and basically those things I am doing. I put a goal to fast twice a week and to be positive that's the hard one by the way and to always have clean thoughts when I say clean thoughts I'm talking about positive thoughts I'm talking about thinking about Christ and what he did for me all day long its hard but I'm working on it well im almost done but i wanna say

I love you ireland!! you are freaking 16 years old!!! Wow I'm such a grandpa now ahha !!!Ireland I love you so muych you still can't date cuz I'm still not home and I can't interview the boys yet but ya I love you sis you are so beautiful I love you have a happy birthday and remember that comes from peru as well ahaha
 I gotta go y'all!!

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Hola Texas well im doing good I'm just bummed about my mission extension getting denied although my friend elder Dority is pretty happy ahhaaha!! He's actually one reason I want to go to Utah for a year and work instead of study he's just a great friend and has changed my life in alot of ways!! This week we had a baptism for this 16 year old named Andy. He's a great guy really actually my comp baptized the family but not him so when I went there I asked how many kids they have and how many were members and well he wasn't so ya he wanted to get baptized so ya it was great. I really don't know how my comp baptized everyone else but him oh well they all members now except the father who is excommincated but ya they are active and are really great. 

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

What's up Texas? well this week has been hard like our golden investigator Joel who said I want to get baptized asap well on Sunday morning we get a text from him saying that well he is going to stick with his church now. We have had some problems this week especially with Joel well para que sepa joel is like 28 and told us yo quiero a bautizarme el mas pronto que posible mañana si es que se puede but we told him he needed to prepare and everything and he was wicked exited about everything but the only problem was that his dad is from assembleas de dios and like hates the mormons but Joel had known the church for a long time so he was pretty exited. I guess Sunday or Saturday night his dad like disanimated him like crazy we don't really know anything cuz de la nada he sent us a text message saying he was just going to stick in his church so that made us sad but his friend is a member and Joel keeps his car in his house so we should be hearing from his friend today but ya other than that weve  been looking for families. We have this lady Minoska a less active that we will rescue but she has two kids that want to get baptized ,I dont really want to put them in the water cuz I need to talk to the dad but the dad doesn't want to talk to us but he wants his kids to get baptized kinda wierd right?  This week we also had interviews with presidente Godfrey  and check it out I might get another extension isn't that so freaking dope now he can't give ma a year but he said he can possibly give me another transfer  or more ojala que un año mas but ya they interview was weird.   I'll tell you more about it in a private eamil but ya anyway I'm all great I'm wokring hard and my best friend Elder Dority is my zone leader so all chill anywya ya I gotta go chow

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Hey what's up Texas? I'm great! This week has been good so far.  This week has been good like real good but also hard I'm in an area that in the past 6 months they have had 3 baptisms but we are programing for like 5 this month.  Diana has a date for this week and we have this black guy not to be racist its just there are not alot of dark people here he has a date for the 30th but he doesn't feel prepared but he wants to get baptized.  Funny story about him everyone thought he was a member cuz he has been going to church for like 4 years he actually went on a temple trip and everyone thought he was member and he went to the registration haha the dude enterd the temple but they kicked him out hahaha.  We also have this guy Joel he's dope literally fell from the sky well not literally but what happened is that he heard the missionaries before and was going to get baptized but he owed money to some columbian gang thats comes here and lends money to everyone but kills them if they don't pay and well ya he came up to us and wants to get baptized. We will put him in the water this 24th or the 30th.   Then I found 2 pfs part member family there is a mother who has 2 kids and wants them to get baptized the father doesn't want a thing but I said that before she even signs a permission I need to know her husband and talk to him cuz I am convinced that anyone can get baptized.  Then we have this girl Mara she is a snake a recent convert the freaking retarted misisonaries just baptized her without even teaching her family but now were teaching her mom Cristina and her 3 sisters Ariana, Samara and Tamara. Only Samara went to chruch this week she is 8 and every time she sees me she runs and hugs my legs haha!!  Well were gonna be working on them for this month or the month of agosto so ya things are looking dope were still getting low lessons but I don't care cuz were progressing like crazy and ya well life is good! We are  working hard and my comp is a little lazy and he want to go up as district leader like crazy this change so he is prideful and tries to tell me what to do but in our companion invintory he tried to council me and burn me a bit like how I need to do more work visits to the elders in my district how he doesn't want to work in the morning how he doesn't want to befriend the members and how he wants to visit these girls.  I kinda told him no on all of them telling him I will not do a work visit for 24 hours unless there are progressing investigators that they will visit or interviews and how snakes is a big no no and how he needs to befriend the members better cuz they gossip alot here like its crazy and everyone is telling me I need to marry peruvian so if they ask y'all I am in a very commited long distace relationship ok just cuz I dont want any of that. I told him he's to just be patient cuz I know what I am doing I have had lots of success not to brag but my zone leader Elder Dority told me that I am the missionary with the most baptisms in the mission and my comp only has 6 but I understand anyway. Well this is a great week have a geat one y'all chow!
I got the opportunity to see Miguel and Rosa and their baptisms.  I got permission from he assistants to go with my zone leader Dority because he also left people that were preparing for baptisms.  I was going to baptize but I had to go fast so my kid did it with his new companion.  Miguel and Rosa cried when they saw me and I cried as well!

Me and my first kid with the heart sign

Monday, June 27, 2016

Hola Texas! Whats up? Well this week has been hard as heck a lot happened.  Well I turned twenty I feel so old now by the way but it aslo doesn't feel real my brother River left for his mission to Ogden, Utah.  Your a beast man and I got a new mission president so hopefully I will  get that year extension that I've been waiting for.  I am so sad first I left my favorite area casa blanca and came to comas en año nuevo where the old missionaries didn't do anything like they slept all day watched movies and crap so there is nothing here and I feel like I'm opening an area cuz there is nothing here.   But this week my companion is Elder Herrera he has 8 months in the mission he is cool but they told me he is like a mirror if your lazy he's lazy if you work hard he works hard so hopefully it's be good with  him but ya I'm struggling in the area but we basically spent the whole time looking for people to teach we found a couple golden families that were cool but ya we weill try to get them to church this week and get some baptised but ya anyway love you all!!

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Hey Texas whats up? This week was interesting. Well first of all what happened is I got a new kid yes my posterity is increasing I just hope that they dont' come this fast in real life. Anyway my kids name is Elder Carrasco he is 18 from Chimbote Peru his dad is also bishop same as me and my last kid .I  go to the meeting this week and these guys see me and they were like another kid Atwood man you should start using proteccion haha its a little bad but I got a good kick out of it haha!! This week on my kids 2nd day here we got home at 11:30 basically its a long story but Miguel is a bodyguard he's actually a skinny guy but ya well he gets home at 10 at night so we walk there we get him to sign some crap and we leave but its dangerouse so we had to take a diferent route but ya I felt bad my poor kid but its not the latest I've got home . I got the freaking zone leaders barking at me so thats nice anyway well basically we spent all week looking for new investigators contacting a bunch and doing some crazy paperwork like I am at my breaking point ! its crazy I really needed this pday!

Monday, April 25, 2016

Hey Texas whats up or hola or whatever ?  Well this week all was chill, I  saw the kid whose grandpa almost died because he didn't have enough blood.  He was wicked happy and we asked him what happened he told us that like 5 people suddenly like showed up that he didn't even know and they gave blood and that they still have like 3 bags of blood left wow .  I mean I am super happy that it all worked out for him I mean I was super stressed out I guess the Lord answered our prayers and the kids as well.  Miguel the guy that I am teaching  that was covered in blood the last Sunday well what happened he didn't kill anyone he just beat the crap out of this guy because he disrespected his cousin or something.  We had 2 baptisms heck freaking ya ! Can I say it again heck ya !!!! We baptized Edgar and Maria finally !  It  felt so great to get them in the water.  I actually didn't even ask them who was going to baptize them I just told them that my comp would baptize them .  The reason is that my comp baptized this other dude last week who was really old and it took him like 5 times to get him in the water , it wasnt his fault the guy was just really stiff and was hard to baptize but he had a great experience with Edgar and Maria so all is chill in Zion .  I am wicked pumped up to baptize more péople I mean I think I got my 42 baptisms, can I get a heck ya! So ya I'm pumped .  My time is up but  ya I'm gonna enjoy thes last few weeks with my kid he's like my best friend so chow y'all!

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Hola Texas whats up? This week was dope, I mean lifes good, and I'm doing great. Eduardo and Carmela got baptized and confirmed this week so that was dope. Actually something cool is that after church like 15 minutes after I get a call from Eduardo telling me hey I forgot to pay my tithing can you bring the form to my house this week so I can pay my tithing. I am really sad right now cuz my district leader Elder Iglesias has a change, he was so sick.I couldn't have asked for a better district leader. The other day we were walking home and we heard this spanish song like 4 times on the street and I practically memorized it so when we got home I started singing the song and he was like dude you gotta be in ganster clothes but I didn't have any so I got in my elmo pajamans and shorts to sag big time my superman shirt then put on sunglasses with a santa hat and started to sing then my comps like dude I gonna do this then he changes I tell him dude put on shorts but they were like wicked short like booty shorts so ya then in a normal shirt with a suit coat and then the turkey hat and then we sang the song on video it was so weird like I will never forget it.  Edgar and Maria want to get baptized this Saturday but Maria has to get a special interview and needs to repent hard core so it depends on Papi Erickson.  Me and my comp are dope and are looking for new investigators and conference is going to be a big part in our successs for baptizing eternal investigators. Life is great, just gotta buy like a freaking promise ring cuz of all the snakes there. I love life and I love baptizing its dope well I gotta go love yall!

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Hola Texas whats up well I am red and sunburnt bad and starving and broke but life is good! Well I'm sunburnt cuz yesterday we had two weddings at two different times and I was outside. It wouldn't have been bad exept we couldn't enter inside for the marriage unless we had the witneses and my comp was one witness and the other was Elder Gil our district leaders companion. I told them don't get any lessons or dates for Saturday because they need to be there for the marriage and they got there 3 hours late!!!!!! like I was mad!! I was calling them and they were not answering the freaking phone and I was getting burnt and my family was getting burnt and with the children it was not easy so ya what happened is they finally answered the phone they said in 10 minutes were there and then 30 minutes later I call them and they say  in 10 minutes then when i finally saw then they tried to shake my hand I said no no just go sign the papers before I punch you then I took them in private and just yelled at them for like 10 minutes then my zone leader then yelled at them for a good amount of time too so ya. Then they got married I took pictures which this machine won't let me send so I think my card reader is bad so I'm gonna buy another one . We saw the most beautiful woman in the world the other day. A little backround my comp and Elder Iglesias and other missionaries were talking about what kind of girl you like now some latinos were like I like gringo girls and some guys were like blonde hair si o si yes or yes but I was like half asian man haha and they were all like ok respect but ya well we saw this girl pass by and we were like wow she is beautiful she wasn't immodest or anything but she was pretty and she was half asain, I'm like revelation man I'm gonna marry a half asian chick in 6 years haha!!! Back to the story well then I get my family asking hey we gonna eat cake so I'm like ok fine now remember I am like dead broke but ya so my comp and Elder Eil went in a taxi with the family ( taxi cuz she didn't want to get her wedding dress dirty on the bus) and well me and Iglesias went in bus ( not enough room in taxi) so ya well we gave my comp and Gil some money for the taxi and for the cake cuz we would ge there later than them and when we get there I find out that Elder Gil got like this wicked expensive cake so I was about to explode then I ate a piece then I had to go with Iglesias to the mission office to get our passports cuz we were the witnesses for the next wedding of Edgar and Maria and well it was 2 hours away and started at 5. This guy was like hey pay me 40 soles and I play piano the whole time I told him no, Elder Iglesias told him no and the looser just goes and plays and he played poop and I was like dude what the heck. Then he went to try to charge me at the end and I said I  hope you kidding cuz I told you no then he says but I played and I was like but you sucked and I didn't agree to that! Then he goes and tries to charge my family and ya but the wedding was good like alright but Maria cried and everything.  I got some sick pictures !!  Then me and Gil go buy them a cake and then we leave to return the passports and wow everyone in the office was like dude your freaking red and I was like sorry I just got burned from having the fire of the holy ghost too much  haha!!  That was my week and this week they are going to get baptized and it will be great! I also found some cool families, like 5 with my comp who are coming to conference with us this week and some eternal investigators that have never been to a conference and just say that they want a stronger testimony and what better chance than to hear the prophet talk .We told them that they need to go to conference with a question, Is Thomas S Monson a prophet on God? I bet my money on the prophet all day long so ya we could have a sick month of April with tons of baptisms but we have to marry a bunch of people again but ya anyway I'm gonna go love ya ll chow

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Hola Texas well this is going to be quick cuz I got on internet late cuz my comps dying had to go to a meeting  Well this week my comp was really like really trunky just wanted to sleep all day so I asked my district leader to give me like 4 work visits and when he asked what I was going to do I said find baptisms cuz well I have to baptize at least 3 this month that's what I put as the goal and I want to baptize 10 the next month so I have like 4 or more possibilities for this month but I gotta start looking now for March. So we went and I found two families that accepted to be married and baptized so sorry mom and dad but I am going to be sooo broke this month and the next I don't know why marriage is soo expensive here but what can you do . I also found a woman Annebell who also accepted to be baptized but she couldn't come to church this week because some family came to visit but shes coming the next.  I also found this lady who is a member but her husband and are not so jackpot I am also looking for some part member families which I should be getting a list of from our ward mission leader this week. Basically I was looking for people and contacting all week so my key indicators looked bad but I dont care cuz I will baptize like crazy and that's the only thing that I care about so ya . Funny things this week when my comp and I went to like a market to go get his camera fixed well they have like this movie stand where they sell movies and also usbs and technology I was asking about some memory cards cuz I need some more and well my comp calls me over and he is laughing and says lets go and I ask why he says those nurses want to eat you . So I was like what and I look over to where I was and there are these two nursesexcept they are not nurses they were like sexy nurses if you know what I mean I think they were advertising for like a club or something and I was like oh ok and right when I was about to go they tried talking to me and I was like uuuughgg ok then I was like Alejate de mi Satanas!!! Departe From me hence Satan!! and like gandoff from lord of the rings YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!!!!!!!!
 I hope my kid will be cool  so that we won't have any problems. I am about out of time, chow love y'!all

Monday, February 22, 2016

Hey Texas whats up 
Well this week we didn't have as many people in church, well investigators. It was stake conference but I told y'all that every other Sunday they have to do faenas right which is basically like diggin like crazy  to build stairs or foundation for a crappy wooden house so they will be coming to church every other week until I can figure out who is in charge of the faenas cuz it bugs me. The families they all told me how they loved church and how there kids loved church. It is awesome every time I go to there house the daughters who are like 5 and 9 just come running up to me and hug me I basically gave them my valentines package to them and they loved it haha!! I just love that  family! The fathers name is Edgar and the wife's  name is Maria and this family is just the best like I love them haha!! Anyway we have another family Eduardo and Carmela and we have her daughter Lezly who by the way is 17 but she has a kid and the father like abandoned her but anyway we are working on marrying them and I'm stoked cuz I have been working my butt off !  I had a work visit with Elder Iglesias my district leader and he told me dude I'm tired, and I said me too man!! We decided to take it easy that day work but not like all out and right when we said that the Lord was like NO I HAVE A BETTER  IDEA and we get to our first lesson and  I was just like lets verify way to take it easy but primitiva the lady we were going to baptize her daughter was there Carla.  Carla is like late twenties or early thirties but she has a kid and is 4 months pregnant well she is from a different part of Lima and the missionaries were teaching her there and she was about to get married and baptized but she found out that her husband was comitting adultery with this other chick then she tried to fix it but the dude was being gay and kicked her out and ya they separated   so she tells us this crap then how she is getting separated and by the way as missionaries it is illegal to preach separation it is never the  answer but ya she was mad at the dude so I shared the scripture from John 8 about the woman who had committed adultery and the spirit was there like I was like the SON OF GOD a man without sin forgave even the most dishonorable of sins and said neither do I condemn thee go thy way and sin no more. 
Then we had to visit my families and then we saw this family and
I was like dude and I looked at Elder Iglesias and we were just like man the Lord just told us to contact them and then we contacted a million more people and the end of the day we just went to get soup for dinner and were just talking  like dude I didn't want to work that hard cuz we were like sweating and dirty cuz at one point we carried a bunch of sand and then water up a hill for a family who I am now  teaching that's kinda how we contacted them but ya we were tired but anyway then I get a call from my old companion Elder Rios telling me that he and his family are going to be sealed in the temple Friday or  Saturday and he wanted me to come. I called the zone leaders and they said it was cool then I got  my division and I left at 5 in the morning woke up at 4 in the morning but it was so worth it when I saw him I almost cried I was actually stressed cuz i couldn't find him.  He wasn't answering his phone then someone covered my eyes with there hands and I was like RIOS we talked he presented me to his family and it was so dope I almost cried saying goodbye he told me that he is the stake secretary and will be also teaching seminary the old testament this year  I am so stoked for him but anyway I gotta go love y'all so much I'll find out how to send pictures don't worry love y'all chow

Monday, February 15, 2016

Hey whats up texas HOLA TEXAS! whatever ahahjaja well this week was dope I
don't know how to explain this to you all but I AM A DAD!!! I just had my first kid!!!!!!!!!!! In mission language that means that I am training someone don't worry people I don't plan on really having kids for the next 10 years or more but ya that's that. So well my kids name is Elder Tirado he's peruvian he's from Trujillo like a really pretty part of Peru. Well hes 18 so ya normal. Also this week I have been doing alot of damage repair.   Me and my comp have basically been looking for new investigators this week and just knocking doors contacting people and looking for references. It was hard and exhausting just contacting from 10 in the morning to 10 at night yes I said 10 at night and like nothing else other than our study hours so ya but it was hard cuz well it's hot and I got sundburned pretty bad but oh well. But all this work payed off! I got 7 people to church 6 were new investigators that I found this week and they are amazing and I got a baptismal date for 2 investigators Ubert and Primitiva so I am stoked. I have to marry 4 freaking families this month of march uahhagghhg thats alot of families and alot of money but I  talked to the assistants and they are going to help me out with it so that's a relief but the only other problem is well they live in hills like every other person here and well what happens is every other Sunday they have to do fayenas its like constructing stairs and foundations for there crappy houses. Its a little crude but thats the best way I can explain it  but ya I am trying to talk to the people in charge to see if I can do service two  times a week so that these families can go to church but it doesn't seem to be working so I am just going to have to baptize everyone in the area so that they will all be like ya guys were not going to do that were going to go to church instead so ya thats my solution well ya everything else is chill. The zone leaders put a goal for me to baptize 10 people which I want to do but it kind of makes me mad that the rest of the zone together will get about 10 baptisms so I feel like I am doing all the work but oh well I love baptizing.That's actually the first thing I  said to my kid when I met him I hope you like to baptize . haha so ya anyway that's all for this week love yall chow!

Monday, February 1, 2016

 My companion got crapped on

Monday, January 18, 2016

Hola Texs
Well this week was dope and frustrating all at the same time, as you know the mission life is. 
We have a potential of baptizing 8 people this week on Saturday, it's just a matter of animating them. 
Familia Cruz Peleaz, this is a family of 4 so they are a major focus. The thing with them is hermano Juan the father of the family is awesome but he likes to be real sure of his decisions but  he had his interview last night with Elder Iglesias and looks like everything is cool for this Saturday.  They were a little shaky this last week like I guess hermano Juan learned that any worthy member that holds the priesthood can baptize and I guess that bothered him a lot because in the catholic church only the high ups baptize but well in that lesson me and my comp were like inspired by the spirit like crazy and I asked him where the catholic priests got there authority and he didn't know (shocker).  Then I asked him if he knew where I got my authority cuz he knew I could baptize and he also didn't know and well this will sound crazy but I suddenly remembered my priesthood linage.I literally haven't seen my card in years and i remembered it perfectly all the way back to Jesus Christ and well he was in SHOCK it was just awesome.   Then later this week we had a noche de hogar with them and we shared a message about families and how well if they really want to be a family forever they had to not only get baptized but be sealed in the temple or at death will you part and well we went to there house like Friday or Saturday night and we found on there calendar a bunch of sticky notes with things written on them like read book of mormon , pray as a family , and don't complain when Elder Rosales comes ahahjaja!!!  My favorite get baptized as a family and get sealed in temple as a family. Me and my comp were just in shock I'm actually trying to send you a photo but its not working oh well. We also go the fecha con luis 17 years old and jerry 19 years old but we are struggling to seal the deal with this investigator Diana, she is 28 her sister is a 19 and a recent convert and potential future missionary.   Diana's mom Primitiva is 55 and also an investigator , we are focusing a lot on Diana cuz if she gets baptized Primitiva will kind of just follow .  Diana is hard like insanely hard we were asking her how she felt about baptism and she was saying well I need to stop my costomes and my habits and we asked her if those were en contra las normas de la iglesia and she said no then we were like well if it weren't for those things would you be baptized ?She said yes but then later we learned that she wanted to get and answer to her prayers and she was telling us some experiences and we were like there like she was like at the point of saying yes baptize me and then her child of like 6 years started crying and fue el espiritu and we had to leave so we were mad about that.   She gets home at like 9:30 every night and leaves for work at like 7 in the morning so the only time we have been able to visit her are fin de semanas so I told her were going to be passing by at 9:30 everynight just to verify her lectura and her prayers because she is reading but not praying cuz well to be honest president with her I feel like she knows the church is true she knows she needs to get baptized but she doesn't want to cuz we are telling her to so I feel like God just needs to tell her so that's what we are praying for and probably are going to be fasting for this week anyway well . Ok so well that's the letter I wrote papi erickson so well for u guys to know well this ward is just dope like we don't really even teach less actives or recent converts.Our ward mission leader is a returned missionary and well in our ward we have like 8 returned missionaries and like 10 people that are getting ready for a mission in a couple of months or in a year or two so basically what we did is we were like Bruno the ward missionaries name, dude we want to focus on baptism and all but we have like 30  plus recent converts and we can't visit them all  so we created a program where  a returnend missionary goes with a mini missionary or a someone preparing for a mission and teaches our recent converts so they are teaching all of our recent converts and we can just teach investigators and converts that really need our help and this program is sooo dope cuz look our retention of converts is like 90 percent most of the time which is just like the highest in the mission and we may baptize like 10 people this month and all so its dope . I really think that this is the way a ward should work cuz after all the purpose of a missionary is to baptize after all so well its awesome for us cuz we can just baptize like crazy and well the mini missionaries learn to teach and get real experience and the converts get the lessons a friend and invitations to activities and parties stuff that missionaries don't know about and well so everyone benefits its like the optimal way to work anyway well I am stoked about this week anyway love yall chow

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

This is me and my old zone leader Elder Romero.   We took this picture in the night after he went and got us pizza for his last week in the mission .He's home in Hondoras right now. 

This is Lima where I serve in my second area Collique.